PURITY? Freedom from anything that contaminates, adulteration, faults, substances
As Pure gold is been refined to such a degree that all dross has been removed.
A pure life is such a one in which sin no longer determines the choices one make.
RELATIONSHIP? God has called us into RELATIONSHIP because at creation, he had RELATIONSHIP in mind. Gen 2:18. There is beauty in ONE but there is power in TWO- Ecc 4:9-12 ‘Two are better than one, because they have reward for their labor…
Therefore, as much as God loves and appreciate mutual and romantic relationship, He does not compromise his standard on PURITY IN RELATIONSHIP.

Purity is possible
It is your decision to practice ABSTINENCE. You are in control, and you always have the choice to decide to hold off from having sexual relationship. Abstinence is the only contraceptive that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STIs.
This only works where both partners AGREE to it.

Having sex before marriage is kind of like going into a supermarket and choosing an apple by taking a bite out of it, then leaving it for the next person. Sure it's ok to pick it up and look at it, but taking a bite out of it is pretty selfish, (i.e., having sex with someone else's future wife.) That is only one reason not to have sex before getting married. There are many others.

You have restricted freedom over your body – I cor 6:12 ‘allowed to do anything, but not everything is good for your body’
To be controlled by everything is your choice. I cor6:12b ‘…but I am not going to let anything make me ITS SLAVE.’
Your body is to serve a reasonable purpose for which God created it. Either you use it for His glory or not, it will give up one day and return to dust. ‘…God will put an end to both’ vrs 13
The body should not be used to satisfy SEXUAL URGE but to SERVE GOD. I Cor 6:14
When you use the body to serve God, God also make provision for the body
How to maintain purity in relationship
1.BE CLEARED ABOUT YOUR REASONS FOR WANTING TO PRACTICE ABSTINENCE. This way, if you find yourself in sexual situation, you will remind yourself why you made the decision.

  1. MAKE SEXUAL DECISION IN ADVANCE: Take time to consider what you stand to gain by abstaining from sex. It is wise for you to plan in advance how you will say NO to sexual advances.

  2. TALK TO YOUR PATNER: Make sure you talk to your patner, clearly and in advance, what you are not willing to participate in. Make sure you get his decision before entering into love roller coaster cos it may be difficult when you are both aroused.

  3. AVOID HIGH PRESSURED SITUATIONS: Try to stay away from situations where it may be hard to say NO. Such as empty house, lonely environment. Be aware of setting that may likely challenge your decision to stay sexually pure.

  4. SAY NO LIKE YOU MEAN IT: If you find yourself in a compromising situation, say no clearly and mean it. Try to remember your plan on how to say No, and think about the consequence of your behavior and reasons why you choose sexual purity.

  5. LEARN ABOUT YOUR BODY: Understanding your body and knowing ways to keep it healthy is helpful in maintaining your decision for sexual purity in your relationship. Learn about STIs, Herpes, HIV, AIDS…Not all of these have cures and they can lead to death.

Pray to God to lead you

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