
Hello......fellow steemians, i hope we all are doing marvelous in our different life struggles? The thought of who one is or one's makeup really keeps me thinking is it really necessary for one to know his/her identity. This will enable us know whom our friends, folks, circles should really be so we don't choose catapillars of our lives that will destroy us rather pillars that will strengthen us and make us strong. As we all know that life at times throw challenges our paths but with strong personal identity, we will surely withstand any storm our way. Before going further knowing what IDENTITY is will be a plus


IDENTITY involves more than one's name and appearance, it also entails one's values, beliefs, associates and character. Infact it involves everything that makes a MAN both in and out. So knowing this will help us to be with the right people or family that will help us grow spiritually and impact positively in our lives.


If we have a strong sense of identity, it will help us stand up for our beliefs and not allowing others influence us negatively. Also we will likely be among the circle of people that believe in positivity, exploit and not those who will try to make us feel inferior or have low self esteem thinking we are failures or can't become great achievers.
So to help one to truely be identified with the right circles of family or friends, one needs to do the following:

  • Develop a sense of who one is now, who one want to become in future by analysing one's strength, weakneses and convictions.
  • knowing what potentials, skills or talents one has and bring out the best in it.
  • Adherering to the bible principle that said "thinking ability will keep watch over you and discernment will safeguard you...Prov 2:11"



This is truely a family that values humanity more more than anything else, teaches one on how to be real,one is being encouraged and inspired once you are willing to learn on how to be a great contributor, achiever thereby proving beyond doubts that truely unity strengthens our bond. So may we all work in line with the vision of our golden knight @sirknight because he wants us to be free from financial bondage and let's always be a reason why someone is happy. May we keep identifying ourselves with the right people. So may we keep inviting our family and friends to be part of this amazing blockchain and enjoy the blessings of fruitfulness it has to offer.

Register for Telos here, use "rechylove.jc" as refeerer

Thanks to @sirknight @ammyluv @uyobong @maxdevalue @theycallmedan God Bless you all for your love and support it's highly appreciated..still your dearie rechylove 💞👍💝

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