Would You Still Attend Church?After This Conditions

"I am the Lord your God. I created you and placed you on the earth. Your responsibility while on the earth is to worship me, because I am your Creator. You will, however, receive nothing from me - no material or other blessings. The life that I made available to you through my Son should be sufficient for you. Be sure to worship me and magnify my name as long as you live." - God

Let us assume that this is God's message to you.

Take a little time to meditate on it. After that, ask yourself the question, "Would I still attend church if this were the case?"

Every church-goer should find time for some serious self-introspection, time to take stock in the most honest of ways. I believe that worshipping God is serious business. I also believe that it is very easy for one to mistake whatever else they may be doing for worshipping.

It is of the utmost importance for every church-goer to be completely sure of their ground; to be able to tell where they stand exactly .

The mistake that some people make is to mistake church-going for worship. Some say, "I am a Christian." When you ask them why they say so, they reply, "Because I attend church."

Reality in any case, is that congregation goers is a gathering of individuals involved Christians and non-Christians. Anyone can go to chapel. Some do as such similarly they go to an internment society meeting. Also, some non-Christians might be so dynamic in chapel to the degree of seeming like the cream of the holy people!

Rather than looking for God, numerous congregation goers are searching for things; they go to chapel for things. To them, God is some person who gives out things; He isn't their Lord.

Give us a chance to expect that there are no supernatural occurrences, no money related endowments and no recuperating to be gotten in chapel administrations. What number of would in any case go to chapel?

Don't you realize that the fallen angel has exploited the general population's affection for such things to give them impersonations from the profundity of obscurity? Don't you realize that a few people perform marvels of various types through enchantment, just to pull in swarms, since they realize that the group take a stab at such things?

"Jesus answered, 'I tell you the truth, you are looking for me...because you ate the loaves and had your fill" - John 6:26 (NIV).

Jesus was reprimanding the group that had come to Him. He said something like, "I know you. I know your hearts. You appear as though you are looking for me, yet as a general rule you are searching for sustenance to fill your stomachs." This is as yet happening. Numerous are searching only for material solaces of life. How modest!

Jesus went ahead to show them, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life" - John 6:27 (NIV).

In the wake of saying this, individuals started to ponder what sort of work they expected to do. "Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?" - John 6:28 (NIV). Good inquiry.

ome individuals are exceptionally dynamic in crafted by the congregation or service. They circled to guarantee everything is all together for the congregation benefit or for some other church program. That is great, admirable; however even a non-Christian can likewise do likewise! These exercises ought to subsequently be attempted just inside the setting of the genuine work if God is to support of them.

Tune in to Jesus' response: __"Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent" - John 6:29 (NIV). __

I cherish this. This is the genuine work, without which some other church-related movement loses significance before God.

The individuals who have not accepted remain censured. One can in any case be denounced even as they circled with chapel business, since they concentrated totally on such exercises while overlooking the genuine work, i.e. putting stock in the one that God has sent - Jesus Christ!

The inquiry is: have you believed in the one that God sent? Another is: what exactly do you seek to achieve by attending church; what are you looking for?

In the event that you are searching for God, you will remain established regardless of whether there is no material or different gifts to be gotten. On the off chance that you are searching for things, you will leave while throwing a mini tantrum the minute you understand there are no such things.

God ought to be adored in light of the fact that He is God. Things will come because of one's association with Him. In any case, the individual who is extremely running some place with God is one whose heart and eyes are on Him, not on things.

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