What the Bible says about Giving

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Today we will be looking at giving and thing we shouldn't do when we give....i decided to write on this topic with my experience today in my compound where i stay.

But Fristly i will define the word Giving by saying it is the freely transfer the possession of something to someone or an expression of our sincere love for the lord,the lords people,the lords work,and the lord church.it is also a gratitude of Gods grace.

imagecredit Act 20 vs 35 says that in everything i showed you by example that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the lord Jesus that himself said ;it is more blessed and bring greater joy to give than to re eive.

Giving is living and living without giving is dyeing without knowing ,As christains every giving should be from a cheerful,willing heart and inspired by love in obedience to the holy spirit.

In the holy Bible Jesus said that if you want to be perfect ,go and give to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven ,i believe as christains we should not give with the mindset of getting a reward on earth

Giving started with God in John when he gave us his only begotten son to come and die for our sins,Even the three wise men when coming to see baby Jesus came with gift without a mindset of what Mary and Joseph will give them in return.
Proverb 21 vs26 says All day he crave for me but the righteous gives without sparing,Giving has no limit or size.

In the book of 2corinthians 9vs 7 says let everyone give thoughtfully and with purpose just as he decided in his heart ,no gruding or under compulsion,for God loves a cheerful giver and delight in the one whose heart is in his gift.

When you give you shall prosper just as in the book of proverb 11 vs 25 that says the generous man is a source of blessing and shall be prosperous and enriched and he who waters will himself be watered reaping the generosity he has soon.

Even when given do not advertise it as hypocrites do like actor acting a role in the street ,so that you may be honored and recognised and praised by men,by so doing yoy have your reward in full

In conclusion i hope that what i have said will not weary but encourage you,for it is more blessed to give than to receive,God bless you.

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