Differences and relationship between the fruit of the spirit and gift of the spirit

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Hello steemians
I will be sharing on a brief, important and interesting topic.
As christian we might have come across this two topic "THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT AND GIFT OF THE SPIRIT" so i will be talking on their differences and relationship.
A good understanding of these two topic of spiritual blessing is very important for a successful christian walk here on earth,and to avoid disappointment here after.

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The gift of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit are not the same. One is not a substitute for the other. The gift have their unique place and functions in the body of Christ whilst the fruit also has its own distinct position.

The gift of the spirit has to do with spiritual capabilities. This is what one can do in the service of the lord. The fruit of the spirit on the other hand has to do with spiritual character. That is,what one is in the lord. This is the simple and clear biblical truth!

The gift are received consequent upon the baptism of the Holy Ghost (Joel 2:28-30). Whereas the fruit is as a result of salvation and abiding in Christ. The gift are received instantaneously while the fruit develops gradually.

There are varieties of gifts, but there is only one fruit of the spirit. The list in GALATIANS 5:22-23 are the nine characteristic of the fruit of the spirit -love. All the virtues mentioned are different faces of love. The first concern our attitude towards God,the second triad deals with social relationships,and the third group describes principles that guide a christian's conduct.

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The Gift of the spirit concerns the things one does in the service of the lord, whereas the fruit of the spirit is the way,the how,one does those things he is doing, in the service of the lord

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Whilst the gift of the spirit is different from the fruit of the spirit, yet the two are still extremly related and are in fact,'one'.

No adjustment can be made to the scripture on what apostle Paul talked extensively, on the futility and profitlessness of exercising spiritual gift without incubating same in the fruit of the Spirit. In fact, apostle Paul goes as far as saying that in God's own calculation, exercising gifts without fruit is NOTHING.

Therefore it is essential to inscribe it inside our spirit that all gift must be exercised with the fruit of the Spirit -love. It must be understood that the Ministry of the gift of the spirit accompanied by the fruit of the spirit is of great power and usefulness in the work of the Lord. This, unfortunately is what Saul though a prophet (1 Sam 10:10-11) could not combine together. The same inability was also the error of Balaam (Numb 22-27). It is sad, but true that the same thing is still being repeated in many lives today. May God help us!

The Holy spirit is as much interested in Character as He is in power. Therefore,the development of the inner nature of a Christ - like character must be behind any use of spiritual gift

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