## STEEMCHURCH: The Three Bittered Friends: Patience, Perseverance and True Love.

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The Naked Concept and Reality of Christianity

Oftentimes, people make the big mistake of taking, thinking and judging Christianity to be just a matter of religious affiliation/denominations, but I have come to that point of realisation both by the precepts of God(Love of God and love of Neighbour) which the Church (her Bride) propagates and through more revelation by the Holy Spirit, that it is more than that.

The Bipolar Stance of Faith
The Mission of every Christian regardless of religious affiliation, centers on two ultimate laws which are: 1. The love of God and 2. The law of Neighbour, breaking this two laws with the guidance and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which hovers the Church, broke the two laws into just two Missions which in latin are: 1. Missio Ad Intra(Within) 2. Missio Ad Extra(Outside).

Exposing the Concealed Concept
The word Missio in latin means Mission, whole ad intra means within.
Simply put, it means the mission of Christians,believers within this context; talks about obligations, duties, responsibilities of Christians within the Church, which are definitely propagation of the gospel, living a life of witness in WORD and DEED. This emphasises what our relationship, attitude should be to our fellow brothers and sisters in and with the community of God's faithful people, while the Mission outside talks about d above but to a broader group which cut across communities, race, nation and countries of the world.

Showing Your Faith and The True Works

A passage of the scripture says "Show me your faith and I will show you my work" which makes us to understand that, there is more to been a Christian than going to Church, than been a Catholic, a protestant, a free thinker or believer; the laws of God cuts across and beyond every boundary of individualism and religious fanaticism which has been the order of the day in Christendom.

Sensitivity and Response; A Genuine Call

For Not Lip Service

Christ's words in the scriptures says "They honour me with lip service but there heart is far from me" is the attitude of many Christians today, it's an obligation to everyone to be our brothers keeper. Why not take some minutes to ask yourself about a couple of questions. How can I preach the gospel to an hungry man, a hungry household, a family that is penurious who are dying of starvation, a friend told you he/she is hungry and the next thing u say to the person is 'God bless you',How? when you know that you are in a better position of influence to do something for the person, what about your annoying room mate who will always do something that will infuriate you whether little or much, do you treat people with dignity and respect or do you just treat them like a worthless doll or like an old fabric.

Becoming a Genuine Believer At The Heart of the Father and The Son

The problem of Christianity especially as Catholics, protestants, free thinkers, we must realise that it's not about been a sweet tongue-talking, Holy Spirit filled persons especially when gifted with the gift of speaking in tongues.
I tell people that the most difficult thing to do in the world is not climbing a ladder of success, been prosperous in life as many have been made to believe, but it is really, honestly been a CHRISTIAN with the adjective GOOD.

The Esteemed Loyalty and Love

We need to understand that loyalty to God is the first thing, a driving force for all Christians, there is more to God than what you might have been taught or learnt,preached to. The laws of God which are Kingdom principles and gateway to Salvation are greater than the teaching, the eloquence of any Priest, any Pastor,any evangelist, any General Overseer, teachers of faith, Professors of Philosophy and Theology, or founder of churches.
The problem with most Christians isn't that they
do not love God but they rather forget how to show our love for God in our weaknesses, in people that annoys us most, in our shortcomings that we do not want people to talk about.

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The Ultimate Solution

Unto those who dwell in darkness, a wonderful light has shone. Christ want us to acknowledge our sinfulness, weaknesses, our darkest moments, for every man who now live in God's marvellous light once had a darkness chamber, but desperation for God, for Salvation, touching more souls, without been hypocrites.
God wants us to learn how to be patient with people, life and things. He wants us to learn perseverance with people especially those we think we have a little hedge over.

The Pivotal Stance in Reality
Did you just asked me how?
It is very simple, why not learn how to exercise patience with your nagging room mate, bunk mate, flat mate, floor mate, course mate.
Learn how to embrace modesty, be moderate in the way you do things, stop been selfish, learn to share the little things you have with people, do not wait until you have in abundance before you would learn to be charitable, it is a virtue.

Taking The Bold Step

Why don't you take a bold step to talk to your room mate, your colleague who go about telling people unflattering things about you, why don't you talk to your friend, roommate, bunk mate, your fellow business partner, showing him or her that there is joy in giving, sharing than in receiving, counsel your friend about Christian charity.
Oops, did you just asked what about your neighbour, friends who live fake life, they fail to embrace their nothingness, their emptiness,not because they are hopeless but that they are truly helpless and want to attract favour from people hence; they went about lying to people about how their father controls a large estate in different States and in Federal Capital Territories; talk to him or her, huh! Did u just say what if he/she stops giving you the goodies from their Aristo trips(selling their body trips), the reason you have to do this, is because you are **a Christian who must not faint or waiver in telling, speaking and living the truth. St. John Chrysostom says "Christians for on the last day, you will be asked and judged concerning your neighbour's soul(salvation)" do not say it does not concern me, of course, it does.
Talk to your annoying, tightfisted pal, that colleague of yours, that roommate of yours who sings the same song of **'I don't have money' from the beginning of the year, semester to the end.
Keep on doing good, seek peace and pursue it scripture says, show care no matter how little it may be about your neighbour, be concerned about your roommate who is or was sick, don't assume and conclude things in your mind about people's behaviour, believe in others too, compromise once for others, don't always want to be a winner or be right, allow others to play the win card too.
Trust is costly, but you still have to learn how to trust people, give them the benefit of the doubt, give people a second chance in life and even more another chance, there is so much poverty in the land especially amongst Christians because people refuse to share, they refuse to correct and accept corrections in love.
Talking about you, you do not have to hate your Coordinator, course mate, friend, fellowship member, your Boss, your Music director, office colleague, association member, your President, Secretary or any Executive or any worker/leader because you hated him or her. Hold on to truth, it shall set you free, it's not just about self-righteousness, it's about striving for d ultimate goal, having eternal life, especially leading people to it.

Doing the Ordinary Things in an Extraordinary Way

Do ordinary things, the extra-ordinary way, that's all that matters.
Be a man of ideals, principles that are Kingdom based, don't be too quick to judge others, the sin you complained about that made brother A or sister B fall, remember that something lesser than such can make u fall flat and you too can find it difficult to rise above it, try to understand what people are going through, instead of shouting on people because it's your way of life especially because it's an addiction for you, try calmness.
Talk to your friend who will also tell you I've got no money buddy, yet you see his or her bank statement on his/her phone, because what you see may not be the actual thing, give people opportunity to explain and express themselves.
To you never consider anybody your enemy all the time nor think about people that they don't want you to attain greater heights in life. Do not ridicule people, never wash people's dirty linen outside, learn to keep and cherish people's secret you know about or that you were told.
To you who back bite, betray, stop it, stop spreading false rumours about people because those way of life doesn't guarantee greatness.
Forgive someone at every opportunity you have, encourage someone, feed someone who do not have, make someone smile, be a man of honour, integrity and Kingdom focused, avoid vain glory and self Praise. You all should remain blessed in the Lord.

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