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The sacrament of Matrimony is implied in a special agreement whereby a man and woman freely choose with their matrimonial consent to establish a partnership between themselves for the benefit of the spouses and for procreation and education of offspring in a Christian family. God from the beginning of creation authored marriage and it is inherent in the nature of man. When Christ came, he elevated the status of marriage and made it a sacrament, a sign of God's love. In married life, the couple encounters God, who is love. Thus, is precisely so, because, God created man and woman out of love and called them to love each other as God loves them. Thus marriage is a sacred institution founded on love, the Trinitarian love, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

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The couple freely chooses to adopt this sacrament which is a visible sign of God's love which gives grace to enable the family live together and share the love of God. Essentially, the couple and members of the family encounter the Holy Spirit who animates them and gives them the grace to live good lives. In sharing this God's love, the Holy Spirit dwells in the family.

The laws of God also govern the coming together of man and woman
in marriage. The mutual agreement Of spouses and celebration Of marriage involve the presence Of Christ Who elevated marriage to the status of sacrament. Equally, couples are joined together in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are divine witnesses to the sacrament. It is also the Holy Spirit that gives the grace enabling couples keep their vows in marriage.

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In marriage also, couples bear children who are the crowning gift of this relation. By bearing children couples become co-creators with
God, making human beings who have souls and are indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Christian family and home is the first place where children are taught the profession of faith thereby communicating the
Holy Spirit to them. The Christian family is also a community of prayer and a place where the grace of God is always found.

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So the fruits of the Holy Spirit on married couple include: The gift of children, divine love between the spouses and the gift of special and divine grace to them. Then the grace of God in marriage is very powerful to enable the spouses and the family to achieve the goal of the marriage
union for which God created man and woman to live in perpetual happiness in the beginning of the creation.


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