Death and Resurrection - STEEMCHURCH

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The fidelity of Jesus to the Father reached its supreme test in the Garden of Gethsemane where the whole humanity of Jesus shrank from his impending passion. This singular redemptive work of Jesus would cause him to sweat blood, yet his acceptance of the Father's will, would triumph. As a man, Jesus' ability to take on this role was due to the power of' the Spirit as the letter to Hebrew notes:

"How much more effectively the blood of Christ who gave himself as the perfect sacrifice to God through the Eternal Spirit" (Hebrews 9: 14).

The resurrection of Jesus gave immense joy to his followers and they enkindled their faith in him. The of the Lord vitalize his Indeed, the resurrection of Jesus was so basic to faith that we could say with St Paul,

"If Christ did not rise, then everything we proclaim is in vain, and so is your faith" (Corinthians 15:14).

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What it means is that Jesus, by his resurrection, has overcome death, and has poured forth the power of the Holy split, thus making faith and Christian commitment possible. By sharing in the spirit of the risen Lord, the Christian has the means to overcome death, and live with the promise of abiding life.

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The resurrection of Jesus becomes the supreme intervention of God in human existence, and also the bedrock of our faith. The Gospels therefore, become really a portrayal of Jesus as seen through the prism of Easter faith of the early Christian community. Thus the spirit of Easter pervades the Gospels and made them a life-giving word, different from any other form of history book.


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