In a world gone wild, encompassed by the foes of our spirit looking to divert and devastate us, we urgently require the realities of the gospel connected to our minds every day.
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  1. Test Your Thoughts

Have you at any point backed off to focus on what is happening in your mind?

What are you hearing?

What are you considering?

What are you accepting?

We are always being educated by words and thoughts, perspectives and methods of insight. Our own stories are loaded with frustration, brokenness, and torment. What's more, our hearts and heads have been educated by falsehoods, misleading, and allegations from the world, the tissue, and the villain.

We have to abduct our considerations and inspect them. To abduct something is to take control of it and place it in a controlled situation — like putting a savage creature in a pen. Then, we have to investigate our considerations and consider what we are considering or accepting and why.

As we do this, we have to consider if our musings line up with what is valid for Jesus and our new life in him. Do our contemplations comply with the certainties of the gospel. Ask yourself: Am I considering or trusting the uplifting news about God, others, or myself?

The adversaries of our spirit inform lies regarding God to entice us, to breed doubt seeing someone to partition us, and to practice denouncing words in our ears to wreck us. What sorts of words would you say you are hearing in your mind?

  1. Bring Your Mind into Submission

As you catch musings, welcome the Holy Spirit to convey them into accommodation to Jesus — to the realities of the gospel. We have been given the Spirit to make known reality about Jesus and to convict us of anything not in accordance with the gospel (John 14– 16).

I consistently welcome the Holy Spirit to observer to me with respect to jesus' identity, what he has done, and my identity in light of his work. On the off chance that the considerations or convictions I am having don't arrange, the Spirit makes that referred to me as he conveys to recognition what is valid for God and of me in light of the gospel.

Here are a portion of the key inquiries I welcome the Spirit to address in me:

Is this extremely obvious, or is this a lie?

Does this sound like the fallen angel's allegation or the Spirit's conviction?

What am I putting my expectation in now: God's statement or work, or somebody else's?

How do the certainties of Jesus' life, passing, and restoration address this idea or conviction? Shouldn't something be said about Jesus do I have to recollect at this moment?

Petition isn't just conveying my solicitations to God. Petition is likewise presenting my musings and convictions to God's Spirit, with the goal that my mind can be restored by the certainties of God's pledge as I submit and tune in.

  1. Think about the Fruit

As we submit to the witness and course of the Spirit, we will likewise encounter the product of the Spirit.
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Paul depicts the product of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22– 23 as adoration, satisfaction, peace, persistence, generosity, goodness, dependability, tenderness, and discretion — a nine-dimensional life that takes after Jesus. Crafted by the substance, then again, produces an existence as opposed to Jesus' illustration, for example, "sexual perversion, polluting influence, erotic nature, worshipful admiration [making something to be thankful for a god-thing], witchcraft, hostility, difficulty, desire, attacks of outrage, contentions, discords, divisions, begrudge, inebriation, bashes, and things like these" (Galatians 5:19– 21).

One of the ways we battle the war of the mind is by considering the natural product we're by and by encountering, or the organic product we would understanding in the event that we connected with a specific idea or recommended activity. In the event that the organic product doesn't take after the product of the Spirit or the life of Jesus, we can be sure that our minds are not directly in accommodation to Jesus. Rather, we are submitted to somebody or something unique.

The Spirit brings conviction and leads us in atonement. Atonement isn't just a difference in conduct, however a difference in conviction that produces changed practices. We require the Spirit to uncover where we have trusted lies and to lead us to reality about Jesus, conceding the two eyes to see and hearts to accept. As the Spirit moves, we will encounter a difference in mind that will change the way we live.

  1. Battle Back

The war of your mind is anything but a latent action, yet a functioning, fiery battle, battled with the power of God and otherworldly weapons made accessible to us through the gospel. As the Spirit makes the certainties of Jesus known to you, you should hold quick to them (1 Corinthians 15:2), hide in them, and figure out how to proactively battle with them.

Paul admonished the congregation in Ephesus, "At long last, be solid in the Lord and in the quality of his strength. Put in general defensive layer of God, that you might have the capacity to remain against the plans of the fiend" (Ephesians 6:10– 11). He then went ahead to depict the protection made accessible to us through the gospel (Ephesians 6:14– 18).

We do fight by having the certainties of the gospel around us like a belt, holding everything else up. Our hearts are secured by the breastplate of Jesus' honorableness. We have a preparation — a snappiness — to keep running from malice and pursue compliance since we know we are free and unhindered by blame, disgrace, and dread. Due to Jesus, our blame is evacuated, our disgrace is secured, and our dread is pulverized, for he is triumphant over our adversaries.

Take up the shield of confidence. Accept. Have confidence in all God has achieved for you in Jesus Christ. Cover you minds with the head protector of salvation to shield you from the untruths, allegations, and enticements will undoubtedly confront. Furthermore, employ the sword you have been given, the expression of God. Talk the realities of Jesus to go up against the assaults of the fallen angel.
Also, in the greater part of this, keep on depending upon the Spirit in supplication. The weapons will never be sufficient in the event that you don't stroll in the power of the Spirit who empowers them all.

Kidnap your contemplations and analyze them intently. Bring them into accommodation. Think about the organic product. Then battle back with gospel certainties. This is the means by which we go to war.

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