Success In The "Mundane Issues" of Life By The Help Of The Holy Spirit

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There is a tendency among believers to think that the baptism of the Holy Spirit provides enablement only in terms of "spiritual matters" and that He has nothing to do with the routine issues of life. This is because of the prevalent stratification of our lives into spiritual aspects usually perceived as involving activities in church, bible studies, prayer meetings, ministry etc. In this erroneous thinking, life in school or work or in the community is classified as erthly, not spiritual. The result of such thinking is that individuals strive to adhere to the norms and "culture" expected duringthe religious aspects of life and follow the prevalent traditional or professional culture in the environment as regards to life at home, school or wok. The Lord's thinking is evident from Colossians 3 vs 23-25 where paul in addressing slaves with regards to daily duties to their earthly masters states..

"....and whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not men knowing that from the Lord you will recieve the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ. But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done and there is no partiality."

The Lord wants us to please Him in every area of life and same enablement, the Holy Spirit is available to help us do this. We need Him in every area of life. The Lord Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as "another counselor/comforter" who will be with us and in us. let's quickly see how the Holy Spirit helps us to achieve success in life.

How Does The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit Help Us Succeed In Daily Living

but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peacr, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law."

The frit of the Spirit marks us out in the community, school or work place. The Spirit produces these nine-fold character traits that are found in the nature of Christ, in the believer for excellence.

  • Love
    Love for our employers and fellow wmployees or employees, clients or school mates will ensure that we wish and treat them well. It will ensure that we are not self-centred but put the interest of others before ours. It will enable us to go the extra mile where necessary. We will devote ourselves to our jobs and be commited to the service for which we are paid. There is no employer who would not love this and therefore reward it. More importantly, the believer does his job heartily because he does it unto the Lord, not unto men and knows that he will receive a reward from Him (col 3 vs 23-25)
  • Faithfulness
    The Holy Spirit enables us to be faithful in whatever we commit ourselves to. In The text before us, Daniel had been faithful in the secular responsibilities of leadership in a gentle nation such that thiose that hated him could not find any fault against him. It was because of his faithfulness, which distinguished him from the the two othr governors that the King planned to promote him, Faithfullness will mark one out from the crowd as deserving of unique honour and promotion. Faithfulness shows in dligence at what we do. This scriptures state that;

.... the hands of the diligent makes rich and the hand of the diligent will rule.

Proverbs 10 vs 4)

Do you want to be rich, be exalted to the greatest heights in your chosen profession, to rule? Submit your life daily to the Holy Spirit to make you faithful in your studies, in your family responsiblities , in your community and at work amd like Daniel you will experience sustained honour even in the most hostile of places.

  • Gentleness And Kindness
    How we treat other people is important! It is important that we use tact and are always gentle and Kind in how we speak and treat others. This is not possinle humanly. Gentleness and Kindness are especially important when we relate withthose that hate us, have caused us harm, and are evil or undeserving of our love. The character trait of gentleness, when the natural option is to be harsh and respond with the attitude of "an eye for an eye" marsks us out as children of the Kingdom because it was while we were His enemies that the father gave His son to dies for us. We remain in control no matter the provovation. This is a great attibute in school, in the community we live in or at the work place. Look at how Joseph treated hisbrothers when they came to Egypt!. They were undeserving of any kindness but he was nice to them. When their father, Jacob, died, they were afraid that Joseph would finally punish them for their atrocities against him.We can learn fro his response

Do not be afraid, for am I in the Place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it good in order to bring it about at it is this day, to save many alive. Now therefore do not be afraid. I will provide for you and your litle ones and he comforted them and spoke kindly to them

Genesis 50 vs 19-21

A person who can keep his calm under provocation, and despite contrary circumstances does what is right, is greatly esteemed by God and among men!. This arises from the inward understanding that God is in charge of our lives and works out all things for our good (Romans 8 vs 28). We are not at the mery of men's schemes or the devil's.He that wathes over us does not sleep or slu,mber!. This marks us out for leadership.

How Does The Holy Spirit Helps Us To Make Decisions In Life
The Bible make it clear that the proof of being a son of God is being led or directed daily by the Holy Spirit in every are of life. The father has a design for each one of us that fits into His larger and eternal purpose. This will be revelaed to us in bits as we progress in the Christain life. One of the ways the Holy Spirit guides us is by teaching us the principles of God's word, renewing our minds so that we share in the thoughts of God. This enables us to discern what God's will is, daily, and choose to do it.

Secondly, the Holy Spirit may use the revelation gifts of the word of wisdom, word of knowledge or prophecy or influence circumstances around us to make his guidance clear. We need to make the right decisions in evry area of life including what course to study, which school to attend, who to marry, where to work, where to live, whether to get into full time ministry or not. The believer must daily express faith in the minsitry of the Holy Spirit and gudie Him.her. The Lord promises to guide us"

I will instrcut you and teach you in the way you should go
I will counsel you and watch over you
Do not be like the horse or the mule which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.

(Psalm 32 vs 8-9)

We must hrough prayer and the study of God's word, seek and obtain guidance from the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily living.

How Does The Gifts of The Holy Spirit Help In Secular Life From The Following

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are divine abilities by which the Holy Spirit works through men in ways that are humanly impossible to achieve God's purpose. We see this in manisfestation ofetn in the Scriptures. Moses had the gift of the workong of miracles to help him in the function of leading God's people. Joseph variously knew thing sthat only God knew- the word of Knowledge or God's plan for individuals or nations for the future or word of wisdom.

|Daniel has the word of Knowledge and wisdom of the king's dream, and the interpretation was revealed to him. Daniel and his colleagues were enabled by the Holy Spirit to be..."ten times better " than their contemporaries in the language and literature of the Babylonians. Danie 1 vs 3-4. Samsom had supernatural strenght that made him invincible despite his normal human frame. Bezalel was

filled with the spirit of God, with skill ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts to make artisitic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze and to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of craftmanship.

Exodus 31 vs 3-5

Believers who are called by God and involved in business or the service, whose primary goal is to please him in their work, should look up to God for divine abilities to do their work excellently. As we have seen, the Holy Spirit can grant divine abilities in education, craftmanship, leadership, and indeed every area of human endeavor. Young men and women can rely on the Holy Spirit to make them "ten times better" than their contemporaries in Mathematics, physics, literature, accounts, architecture and so on.

Christian leaders in the business and industry can receive the discerning of Spirits, word of wisdom or word of knowledge as appropraite to guide tem in decision making.

How Can The Holy Spirit Help The Beleiver To Create Wealth

But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives the ability to produce wealth and so confirms His covenant which He swore to your forefathers as it is today.

Due 8 vs 18.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believers life cause growth in every area of life. One of the core areas is that of ealth creation. The Bible clearly states that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Hence, we must all strive to be frutiful in our chosen careers. How deos He help us to create wealth? By granting us insight into the priciples of wealth creation enunciated in scriptures including the book of proverbs and granting us strenght to live by them (proverbs 10 vs 4)

By renweing our minds and helping us acquire the right attitudes for the acquisition and use of wealth biblically. By granting us divine abilities that mark us out in out vocations and thereby increasing our finacnial worth and guiding us in investment decisions daily as the need arises.

We serve the Lord who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His Children. The prosperity of those who fear and obey the Lord is enduring, pleasurable and peaceful. We must depend on Him absolutely therefore to make success out of our life's endeavors.

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