It's A Dispensation Of Knowledge For Steemchurch Members


Hello Brothers and Sisters of the steemchurch, today, I will quickly talk about the topic "It's A Dispensation Of Knowledge For Steemchurch Members".
A very popular saying goes that Knowledge is mostly having the right answer majority of Christians out there need just a little insight to break through but because they do not have this so much talked about knowledge, they keep following the wrong path.

Isaiah 11 vs 9 says that;

They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Brethrens, we are right in the dispensation of knowledge!. A time when we will be winning our battles on 'technical' grounds. The Church is going to be turned into a research center, where God's people will be undertaking adventures, for discoveries. The church is no longer just a singing, cla[ping and jumping arena. No! The end time Church by destiny is a regining one and know that no child is permitted to reign. Even though that child is destined to reign from birth, he won't be allowed to ascend the throne until the appointed time when he would have grown up. The Bible says in Galatians 4 vs 1-2 that;

Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

In short, even Jesus Christ had to fulfil this scripture as in Luke 2 vs 40 says;

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

God is planning to show the Chruch to the world but she will need to grow and wax strong in the spirit, before the time her enthronement will come. In amany nations, if one owned a large estate and willed it to his/her daughter who is still a child, the government will not had that estate over to the heir until he/she is fully grown and matured. They would rather accept responsibility for it until an appointed time, by handling it over to trustees or administrators. A child cannot handle an estate.



Friends, if you don't want to groan, make up your mind to grow! if you refuse to grow, you will groan. We are living in the dispensation of Knowledge! God said in His word in Isaiah 11 vs 9 that;

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

God's end time agenda is geared towards making a flood of insights and revelations available to His Church. This is not the time to roam about aimlessly. We must settle down and begin to use scriptural discoveries to knock out the devil. True freedom is a function of Knowledge. You may not need anyone to pray for you. You are living in a new dispensation but you must be aware of it. The hour has come for the world to begin to seek knowledge from the Church. The end time Church is a glorious, pacesetting assembly. You must make sure you are not left behind!

There were more than one hundred and twenty people following Jesus but how many were actually in the upper room? My prayer for you is that you will not be left behind but however this is the hour to go after knowledge. Brighter Light will give you a brighter life. The brighter the light you are walking in , the brighter your life becomes. Just like matural plnts draw life from sunlight, the same way we also draw our light from he sun of Righteousness. The word of God said in John 1:5 that;

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Every revolution whether social or spiritual has its root in an explosive outpouring of Knowledge. It's time to open your heart as God wants to put something in your hands. When you grow in the knowledge of divine haeling for example, you will prevail over sickness. When you grow in the knowledge of prosperity, you will prevail over the downtur in the economy and when you grow in the knowledge of success, you will prevail over the arrows of failure.

The Word grows in every sphere of our livesto destroy every harrasment of darkess. It is not just enough to know the truth of God's word, you must also grow in the knowledge of it. You must get to a point where darkness has no hiding place in you anymore. The book of 2 Peter 1 vs 3 hinted that;

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.


This means that God has given us all things but they will only reach our hands through the knowledge of Him because we have a destiny of glory and virtue in Christ. All things that life demands ranging from;

  • Sound mind
  • good health
  • good success
  • great strenght
  • prosperity
  • great family are all available to us through the knowmledge of Christ and I pray fou that failure shall no longer be associated with you.

Christianity is synonymous with a dynamic life. Don't just sit down waiting for heaven to open, you have to do something to make it open. It is time to understand that thougnwe have the same gifts. we may not enjoy the same frusits. It takes knowledge to determine the level of results you will obtain in life.

Brethren of the Steemchurch, we must get on our feet and begin to go after knowledge (the knowledge of the truth). Once this comes, then you will find yourself in control of whatever is going on around you. Therefore it is your time to reign. It is your time to go for knowledge.

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