How To Have A Steadfast Hope In A Shaky World

Hello fellow parishioners of this great church;

Peace Be Unto You

Today, I will quickly talk about the topic "How To Have A Steadfast Hope In A Shaky World". The truth remains that the world we are in RightNow is filled with many ups and downs that makes us wonder at times . However irrespective of this , we are supposed to keep a very immoveable and steadfast hope because as believers we are supposed to build our hope on Christ who never fails.

The promises of God are numerous and uncountable and it contains that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will never leave us stranded provided we remain steadfast to His commands. The book of 2Thesselonians chapter 1 vs 7 says that;

and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.

Therefore according to the passage above, we have been encouraged that our hearts be not troubled. Of course I will agree totally with you if you say the times we found ourselves currently are evil times , oh yea, evil is thriving like by the hour, people are making up their minds to particularly be planning on how to perpetuate evil. However , this is not for the believers. The word of God says in Look chapter 10 vs 19 that;

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

We may see all these evils happening but they shall not come near us. This is the promise of God. Therefore if I you the question "How Do you remain Steadfast even In A Shaky World?", What will be your reply?

Mine will be that you should hold on to immoveable and unshakable word of God which promises many wondrous and good things for us. God's thought for us are those of Good and not of evil but to bring to us an expected end. The hope we have is not in the very many technological advancements we see everyday but in the fact that when Christ returns , He is going to take us home.

Therefore , this is not the time to listen to doctrines that are not inscribed in the word of God. Stay true to God, be a source of encouragement to other Christian's and win more souls for the kingdom of God. Afterall, this is our primary focus and Target in life. Let's do the best we can do and God will complement it for us.

There is absolutely need to understand that God has a plan for His children and it is for us to prosper. Once we understand that there is nothing that comes out way that we cant handle. Likewise IRRESPECTIVE of what we do or the plans we have , we should never forget to fix our gaze on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our supreme goal is making heaven. Hope to see of all you there!!

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