Empowered By The Spirit To Fufil Destiny


Hello brothers and sisters of the steemchurch and welcome to today's sermon titled "Empowered To Fulfil Destiny By The Spirit".

It is no longer news that everyone has a destiny to fufil. The main purpose of our creation is not to come to this world, go to school, graduate from a tertiary institution , get married , give birth to children and finally die. There is much more to life and that is fulfilling destiny. God has put in us a lot of abilities and we need to share and enlighten the world about it.

For example, Mark Zuckerberg was a student but he had more things to accomplish. The vision and dream he had was much more than what he was been taught in school. He wanted to reach out to the whole world. He brought the brilliant idea of facebook and look at it today.

Likewise, Sirknight had a dream of reaching out to lost souls. Being on steemit for him wasn't all about the rewards he gets from it. It was much more, he wanted to free men from the oppressions of this wold and right here on steemit, he created #Steemchurch and the church is growing today and our voices are been heard.


Oh did i forget Apostle Abiye of the steemchurch whose idea is to feed his villagers which fresh fish thereby giving them lots of protein and imcreasing their longevity???. You may say "ordinary fish?" yes ordinary fish. Great things often start small. One day he may decentralize fiah supply and become the supplier of fresh fish in his state and so on.


Nonetheles, when it comes to fulfilling destiny, you have to pay close attention to The Holy Spirit. If we want to fulfil destiny, we need the Holy Spirit and likewise, we need to be redeemed first unto Him. Revelation 5 vs 9 says;

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

However, being redeemed is not all that there it. There must be a place for constant fellowship for the firing our spirit. In 1 king 10 vs 1 which says;

When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the Lord, she came to test Solomon with hard questions

Queen Sheba came to test solomon because she heard not only of his wealth and riches but also of his relationship with God which is a very vital part of today's message. You need to have constant fellowship with the Maker if you want to fulfil your destiny.

It is a tabboo for your mind to be rich and you are poor. It does not connect or follow. You are supposed to transform your ideas to meet the needs of others and likewise get some rewards. Steemit as a platform has shown that ideas are appreciated. However, a very important thing to note is that if you are rich and your mind is poor then in no distant time, your prosperity will be converted to poverty. Therefore, if you must sustain that which you have you need the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will direct you and serve as a connecting dot to your destiny.

The Holyspirit is the seat lf wisdom and the efficacy of your mind can break any stubborn barier and bring you to your place of destiny. No one has an encounter with the holyspirit of wisdom without becoming outstanding.Look at the case of Daniel. The description He was given on Daniel 5 vs 11 which says;

>There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers

Therefore if you want to fulfil destiny, you've got to follow God closely and head to all His directions and instructions. However you will also on your part work to see this achieved. Yoi can't fold your hands and see properity and destiny being fulfiled. There is high need to secure your future by looking for something burning from the inside and put all of your mind to it. However you must not not forget the important role of the Holyspirit in fulfilling destiny as I have already talked about during the course of this message.

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