5 Effective Ways To Seek God's Will

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Greetings to all Steemchurch Parishioners as well as all steemians who make concious efforts to read our articles daily.
On this one, we will quickly talk about "5 Effective Ways To Seek God's Will".

As humans whether we are Christian's or not, we often face some unwanted and unexpected disappointments one way or the other. However, God's will will always be much more greater than all the challenges and disappointments we can ever think of passing through.

God's will will never take you to a place where the grace and mercies of God will not shield and protect you. Yea, God's will is never about conciously and cautiously preventing sin. However it is the act of courageously partaking in what God says you should do.

Generally in life, it is seen that your life becomes much more easy if you partake in pleasing God irrespective of what the world is saying about it. You will always have your plans but trust me, God will have His own plans for you but at every point in time, let the will of God supercede

Irrespective of what you are passing through because you have chosen not to compromise your believes for God and His promises, always remember that God's will is the best and always stick to it. Sometimes the road may be full of many thorns, the path will be filled of challenges, relationship issues everywhere, financial issues, academic challenges etc. Always remember that tommorow will be absolutely sweet as long as you stick to the will of God.

In fact at times, God may ask you drop a job that means much to you and has alot of promises, yes, it's because He has better plans for you. Trust me, God has a plan and it is you He has in mind to be fruitful and multiply. A root(you) that feeds on a Good soil (God) shall never die. It will blossom and blossom. Its blossomness will be visible for all to see. Yea that's what's up.

God knows your ending even before you were given birth to and therefore the least you can do is to sum it yourself totally to His will. You may have lost much but just like Job, you will get all that you have lost in the long run. So why hurry, why complain, why beat yourself about it.....God is got your back any day and anytime.

The real question is "How do I submit to God's will?". The following are the 5 Effective Ways you can totally submit to the will of God. If you are not too busy, let's take them one after the other.

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Firstly, the most important step in seeking the will of God is to know about Him. Come to look at it. How will you know His will when you don't even know anything about Him?. Quite impossible right?. Oh yes. Psalm 1 vs 1 -3 says

Blessed is the man, Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree, Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper

Absolutely this crowns it all up. If you don't study and meditate on the word of God, miracle cannot just start happening. You have to start from somewhere and here is the place to begin from. You have to study to show yourself approved. Just like I have hinted severally that even Jesus was a reader. He read all the books that where written of Him. He was well grounded in the word.

So tell me why you should not be grounded in the world of God. The word of God is power. The word brings to our knowledge His promises and will for us. There is no other place we can find it except In the word of God. Joshua 1 vs 8 says;

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Yea if you want to have good success in life, the best you can do is to meditate on Gods word day in day out and digest and practice all that is written in it. Trust me, after this, there is no way God will not make you prosperous.

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Secondly, if you want to seek God's will, you've got to spend quality time with God and be humble enough to request from God Wisdom, understanding and direction . When God asked Solomon what he wanted , The young king asked for wisdom and you see from the story that every other thing was ultimately added into Him. That's the drill. You need the wisdom and direction of God to be successful. Proverbs 24 vs 3-4 says;

Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches

Once you have the wisdom of God, people will respect your decisions when you make them, because that moment it is not of your will and definitely not you speaking but God.

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Thirdly, you must learn to trust God for who He is and not lean on your personal understanding. Definitely there is a way that seemeth right to a man. However there is Gods way and will and it is that you must follow.

When we put our trust in God it therefore means that whatever God directs us to do, we will definitely see to it. Proverbs 3 vs 5 -7 says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It is obvious and clear from the scripture above right. You need to acknowledge God in all your ways. There is a way you will see but there is a way God sees it. If you learn to trust in God, ultimately, you will know the right decision to make at every point in time. It is as simple as that.

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Fourthly, the word of GOD says that once we commit our ways unto Him, He is faithful and just to direct all our paths. So what is that thing you want to want to do that you don't know how to begin. What is that idea of yours that you think it's too big and you cannot accomplish it .
Jeremiah 23 vs 11 says;

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

All you need do is to commit every bit of it God. The amazing thing about those who love God is that we can communicate freely with God. We can listen to His voice and Hear His voice. We can talk to Him and He will reply us. So why not take advantage of these opportunities and tell God all that is in your kind. Often time, how God accomplishes them come as a surprise but yea that's why He is God. His ways are different from ours. His thoughts are different from ours. He is a loving father and all He wants to see from us is Joy eternal.

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Lastly, the last effective way to seek God's will is to learn to pay attention to His leading and direction. You journey to do God's will will be futile if God directs you and you don't have the ears to hear what He is saying. When He speaks to you, you must learn to listen to Him attentively. Furthermore, listening to Him isn't just enough, doing His command is another very vital part of it. Therefore in essence, you must learn to listen to His voice and observe to do all that He has commanded. This is is the only way we can have good success as described in the word of God.

That's the much I can take on the topic titled "5 Effective Ways To Seek God's Will". Thanks for reading.

You are always free to share your thoughts on this one.

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Yours truly;


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