
Words are like seeds sown while our mind is the field where it grows. There are words we hear but should never pay attention to. The bible in says in Rom 12:2.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Most people have listened to message which has discouraged and depressed them. You see men's word are not reliable and trustable. We should always listen to God's word for his word is true . Jesus said in John 6:63,

... the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

It means God's word cannot lie and it will give you life. Don't allow negative words from others bring down your faith. The bibles tells the story of the spies Joshua sent to the land of canaan and how some of them brought good and faith-filled message and some brought discouraging and fear-filled message.
Read in Numbers 13:32.

Man's word cannot change the truth in God's Words no matter how he tries to embellish or sugar coat it. God words remain the truth it never change.


Let me share this story about a sixteen years old girl who had an accident and was told by a doctor that she won't be able to walk again. She felt hopeless and depressed in her wheelchair. She went on believing that she won't be able to use her leg but one faithful day, she heard a message from God through a preacher and she believed, started praying and using this message to call forth her healing. Her was stirred up and she got out of the wheel chair, took a step, leaped and started walking.

You see don't give peoples' wrong message free access to your heart. Filter those messages with God's words.
That is why the bible admonishes us in Proverbs 4:23 to

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Take out time to listen to God's words today and ignore every words of discouragement and fear.


Do you believe in the finished work of Christ. This is the right time for you to let others know more about Him. God bless you.

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