Why does child abuse grow?

My dear Community of @steemchurch, @sc-v, @sc-n, today I want to reflect on child abuse, which has become a worldwide problem that grows more and more, despite the fact that God invites us to take care of children as part of his kingdom.


I believe that society has been disintegrating, values ​​have been lost and there is an absence of the word of God in the hearts of our people. Many children are victims of physical, psychological, neglect, neglect, sexual abuse, prostitution, and even the extinction of their lives. Abortion has increased worldwide.

If the fourth commandment of God is "Honor your father and your mother," because they are the fathers and mothers who are destroying the integrity of children, affecting their physical and mental health, even causing death. From my point of view it is because they do not love God, they do not love life, they do not love their neighbors, they do not love nature, they do not trust in the word of God, and they move completely away from the path of God.

We must rescue the word of God and show the world that we can change that violence can be avoided and children's happiness can shine.

In St. Matthew (18: 5-6) it is expressed: "And whoever receives a child like this in my name receives me, and whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall into sin, it would be worth to him to sink it in the depth of the sea with a great millstone tied to the neck ".

With this it is clear that God abhors child abuse, and "warns about the awful judgment that awaits those who destroy the life of a child, it is better to die violently than to disrupt the purity of an innocent."


That is why we raise our prayer and our flag so that the world understands you can only live with God if we take care of life, we take care of our innocent children, say no to child abuse.

God protect and bless all the children of the world over those who are vulnerable to abuse. Follow with me the prayer of protection for children!


Thanks for visiting my post @ naty16.

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