Life in Christ

He resembles a tree planted by water, that conveys its underlying foundations by the stream, and does not fear when warm comes, for its leaves stay green, and isn't on edge in the time of dry season, for it doesn't stop to shoulder natural product" (Jer. 17:8 ESV)

The Lord thinks about the life of a man that trust in the LORD and expectations in His Name to that of a tree that is planted by the water. The leaves of the tree stay green, lasting through the year. It isn't restless in the time of dry spell. Do you realize that is God's concept of your Christian life?

Your life in Christ is bound to be constantly green and never dry. I never thought this was conceivable as I grew up as a youthful Christian. Truth be told, I knew, from what I heard around me, that Christianity has up days and down days. The miserable the truth is that a lion's share of adherents are living like trees that are shriveled and attempting to get by in a dry place. This isn't God's plan for our life in Christ. We will confront inconveniences and mistreatments as Christians. However, these are not the same as being profoundly dry, vacant and vanquished.

The River that you have been planted by is the Holy Spirit within you. You manufacture closeness with Him in petition and the Word. I can't overemphasize this—there are no easy routes to building up a dynamic and flourishing pragmatic association with the Lord. If you need to be green throughout the entire year, pay the cost. The cost is anything but a gigantic monetary seed or a fat tithe. It is your chance and sacrifice to sit at His feet sustaining on the Word and investing energy in petition.

Considering the place that the Word and petition have in the useful existences of numerous adherents, would it be a good idea for you to be shocked that the leaves of the trees of numerous holy people are yellow, wilted and notwithstanding tumbling off?

Put resources into your association with God. There are no easy routes. Your Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, and so on won't be a supplanting for your closeness with the Lord.

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