A crises of hearers in Church

God said these words to the prophet Ezekiel about the Israelites who were anxious to come, sit and hear what the prophet needed to state but went out and did nothing of what he let them know. This issue did not begin with us. It resembles a tumor that desolates the general population of God if we don't watch it.

Multi day, the Lord revealed to me that if no one but I can do only a small amount of what He has shown me, my life will be totally different. That attract my consideration regarding the need of really doing what God has indicated you in the word. The gift of the Lord we so long for in our lives is in THE DOING of what God has said (James 1:25). The best undertaking we can ever set out on as devotees is to decide in our souls to do what God's pledge to us. It will transform us, and our conditions until the end of time. Today, devotees are looking for disclosures, but just if these disclosures were placed by and by. Try not to sit tight for God to talk from paradise with a voice giving you some difficult decree. You have His statement in the Bible you convey. For example, He has told us to be on edge to no end. Is that the word? Truly. Do we truly do it? Simply do His pledge, without reasons or religious legitimization of your conduct. Shouldn't something be said about the rule to focus on His statement, love your neighbor, watch what you say and so forth. The word for us to do isn't far, it is the excitement and assurance to do it that we are deficient.

Listeners who don't do the word will battle with their confidence and the difficulties of life. Practitioners are honored. Pick this day to be a practitioner of the Word of God, and make it your lifestyle.

Think about the verse above. Abandon it coming in your brain for a couple of minutes.

Let's assume it noisy, that you are a practitioner and not a listener to God's assertion

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