STEEMCHURCH: Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

Abraham had obeyed God many times in his walk with Him, but no test had been shorter than the one described in Genesis 22.


"And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of."
Genesis 22: 2

How did Abraham respond to this demand from God? It was really hard! The answer is simple, Abraham responded with immediate obedience. Very early the next morning, Abraham set out with the servants, an ass and his son Isaac, along with the wood for the offering. His obedience to God's command gave God the glory He deserves and is an example for us of how to glorify God. When we obey as Abraham did, trusting that God's plan is the best possible argument, we exalt His attributes and praise Him for them. The obedience of Abraham, exalted the sovereign love of God, His trustworthiness, and His goodness, and gave us an example that I must follow.


His faith in the God he had come to know and his love, placed Abraham in one of the heroes of the faith described in Hebrews 11. God required of us a total surrender: he asked for everything. Abraham believed, obeyed and waited. This is how our faith should be: unshakable, undoubted, without questioning, trusting in the plans and in the Will of God, who knows exactly what is best for each one. God used the faith of Abraham with an example for all who follow him as the only way to reach Him. Genesis 15: 6 says, "And he believed the Lord, and it was counted for righteousness." This truth is the basis of the Christian faith, as reiterated in Romans 4: 3 and James 2:23. The justice that was imputed to Abraham is the same justice accredited to us when we received by the sacrifice that God proved for our sins - Jesus Christ. "To him who knew no sin, he made us sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21) By this obedience Abraham is called today the father of the Faith, but he is also one of the models that teach us how to fulfill the Will of God.


The blessing was not the only one for Abraham, since it is also said that all the peoples of the earth are blessed in you (that is, through Abraham). This should make you and you sit down and take notes. Because you and you are part of 'all the peoples of the earth' - regardless of our religion, our origin, the place where we live, our social condition, or the language we speak. The scope of the promise of a blessing includes all of us who are alive today! How? When? What kind of blessing? This is not clearly stated here, but this is the birth of something that is important to you and me. I know that the first parts of this promise have come true, we can have confidence that this last part has been addressed to us also became a reality.
The obedience of a man led him to be blessed him, to bless the nations and that is why God asked this great, extreme, exaggerated and incomprehensible demand of confidence to Abraham. God did not want him to kill Isaac, he was just testing the love that was in Abraham and his faith in Jehovah. In fact, extrabiblical commentaries of Israeli historians say that the young Isaac, upon learning that he would be a sacrifice to Jehovah, did not fear but said to his Father, "do it and let Jehovah be sanctified in me" but God did not want the young man to die, God I proved the faith to both so that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through that faith.


Then the angel of the Lord cried out from heaven and said: Abraham, Abraham. And he replied: Here I am. And he said: Do not stretch out your hand over the boy, do not do anything; because I already know that you fear God, because you did not refuse me your son, your only son."
Genesis 22: 11-12.
God often got us into things that we do not really like, but God always has a plan for us that consists in giving us something more important than what we already have. Remember that the Bible says that our faith is likely with problems in the same way that gold is tested with fire after that test, our faith becomes much more beautiful than gold and became a faith so unmovable that glorify and praise the name of the Lord: "so that the authenticity of your faith, being much more precious than the gold that perishes, even though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glorify the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1: 7.


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