SteemChurch: The good we do and why we should do good


Every single act of kindness is a seed we unconsciously sow and we definitely grow one day. Scientifically, good never dies because an atom can never be destroyed but can only change from one form to another, so every act of kindness can never be forgotten and it will be repayed in form or the other even if we do not get a gratitude for it now.

In life, we often strive to be two things - happy and kind. Many people do not understand that being good contributes to one's happiness as kindness is an act that benefits both the benefactor and receiver.


Few years ago before I gained admission into college, I saw an elderly woman but she was not looking to old though but was looking very tired. We were both on a bus and we coincidentally alighted from the bus at the same place and she had a big bag of groceries to carry. Seeing how stressful she looked, I helped her with her bag to her house and left her ans we never saw each other again. Few weeks ago, I was assigned to an external supervisor for an important project in school and the supervisor happened to be the woman. She recognized me and said I should not bother too much about the project, that it has gotten an A grade already.

Many people see the connection between being happy and being kind but are not motivated by these. There are many reasons why we should be good but I will be highlighting 2 important reasons.

  • Moral Responsibility:
    Every human was born with conscience that drives our actions. Our conscienc decides what is good or bad for us and also drives our path towards kindness. We do good deeds consciously and unconsciously because it is in our nature as it is a strong desire embedded in humans.


  • Good Karma
    Whether we believe in the law or not, every action has its repercussion just like the third law of motion which says "for every action action performed,there is an equal and opposite reaction". Doing good is like sowing a seed and we all know that we reap what we sow.


I would end with a word in the Holy Bible in Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

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