Mobile App Android SteemChurch has come a new Cheese!!!


Hello my beloved brothers and sisters of steemchurch, for several weeks I was thinking about the wonderful things that God has been doing for steemchurch and all that God places in the heart of our great @sirknight leader to encourage and impel us in our daily growth, nothing it is chance, our God allowed us to join this wonderful church for something and for something, we as a member of Christ have each tools at the service of God and our neighbor, since I met Steemchurch my life and that of my family has changed In many ways, we have experienced great growth and strengthening in the spiritual area with the messages that day after day are published by all of you, on behalf of my family and my person I thank first of all our Lord Jesus Christ who united us with a great purpose, thanks also to our dear leader @sirknight for all the spiritual and economic support that has given us provided through the blockchain.
Whenever we are grateful we have something to offer, something great placed in my heart and that of my husband @juanunix and although we are just a little fish we have in our hearts projects in the form of a whale that involves all the steemchurch team to work on a same cause. An integral project where all the members of that community will participate, applying their talents. We are all a great team, we are a body in Christ Jesus

1 Corinthians 12-30

12 For just as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of the body, although they are many, >constitute one body, so is Christ. 13 For by the same Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, >slaves or free, and we were all given to drink from the same Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If >the foot said: Because I am not a hand, I am not part of the body, but that does not stop being part of the body. 16 And >if the ear should say: Because I am not an eye, I am not part of the body, it does not cease to be part of the body. 17 If >the whole body were an eye, what would be of the ear? If everything were heard, what would be the smell? 18 Now >God has placed each of the members in the body according to what he liked. 19 And if they were all one member, what >would become of the body? 20 However, there are many members, but only one body. 21 And the eye can not say to >the hand: I do not need you; nor the head to the feet: I do not need you. 22 On the contrary, the truth is that the >members of the body that seem to be the weakest are the most necessary; 23 and the parts of the body that we >consider less honorable, we dress them with more honor; so that the parts that we consider most intimate receive ??>more honorable treatment, 24 since our presentable parts do not need it. But thus God formed the body, giving greater >honor to the part that lacked it, 25 so that in the body there is no division, but that the members have the same care for >one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with him; and if a member is honored, all the ?>members rejoice with him. 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one individually a member of him. 28 And in >the church, God has appointed: first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then, miracles; then, gifts of health, >aid, administrations, different kinds of languages. 29 Are they all apostles? Are they all prophets? Are they all teachers? >Are they all miracle workers? 30 Do they have all gifts of healing? Do they all speak in tongues? Do they all interpret?
To be exact 10 days ago I was talking with my husband @juanunix to provide an APP for our church (mobile application) our dear Sirknight leader and developed a building project ( and I was thinking that he would do well this wonderful tool for provide greater comfort to the user, in the palm of your hand and not only that, it is about expanding the gospel to the whole world through Steemchurch with these wonderful tools that technology offers us. We love to serve the Lord and that best shows our gratitude by putting ourselves in order with the (First Blockchain Church STEEMCHURCH) to develop among all our talents and abilities in the technological sector, indispensable tool in these times to massively clothe people in the world in need of a helping hand, in need of spiritual and corporal nourishment. We all as members have the ability to raise not only one nation but the entire world for Christ.

Matthew 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, as a testimony to all the nations; And then the end >will come.

At present, the tasks we perform daily are supported by technology. For example, on a normal day we wake up to the sound of an electronic alarm. On the way to work or study, we can listen to the news on the radio. Even being on the street, we can communicate with others through cell phones. During the day, we use the computer as a support tool. When we go home at night, we watch shows on television or turn on the computer again to surf the Internet. It is impossible to deny that we are immersed in technology!
I invite you all to share the spiritual bread to these multitudes who are hungry to hear the word of God. There is no excuse, because we need all the strength of the technology at our disposal.

Amos 8:11

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine into the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for >water, but to hear the word of the Lord.


The biggest challenge we have as technology evangelists is not just to use the latest hardware technology or applications that work, but to ensure that the content of the message is presented in an attractive, persuasive and compelling way. That is why as technological evangelists we must know how to effectively use this tool that I present to you (Mobile APP) for the preaching of good news and for the interaction between members and users.


Through our mobile application we can publish the daily preachings, transmit videos of evangelistic campaigns build forums with which users can interact, counseling, private chat, public chat, create social movements to educate young people in a professional environment develop their talents for that they have to contribute to the world and receive rewards for their efforts, create audio preaching for people with vision disabilities, this is just a small beginning of everything we can achieve with this great tool.


The App are vital today for the development and expansion of any business, in our case it would be the massive expansion of the good news of salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ contributing to the success of the CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM. In the business world an App is the best communication channel with your client.
The use of an App as a marketing tool allows access at any place and time, your customers, employees or employees to all your brand information, products, services, just to have a mobile device, is a differential advantage with respect to the competition. As members of the first church of the blockchain we are trained to take steemchurch to the vision placed in the heart of God, contributing each according to his talent. And I repeat the sky is the limit.

Below I show my dear brothers a reference of how our Mobile APP would be


This is the splash screens are a visual element of the application that contribute to make the best applications feel like top-notch applications. This is just a reference of how our APP would look

Source Credit image


This is the INBOX use the images of our leader Sirknight and some apostles so you can see how the appearance would look in our mobile APP.



And finally I want to leave a link where you can view the user experience through a prototype, I hope you like my brothers, this is done with love for everyone, anyone who wants to participate with their designs, graphic interface, development, are Welcome, because this belongs to everyone. God bless you.

Click here to see the prototype (Referential of how our app would be



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