Is it possible to Build a Church from Steem?

My recent trip and evangelistic outreach to the remote island area of Tambalig, Zamboanga del Sur Philippines exposed a great need. No Church No School! Can we build a Church with Steem, Crypto Currencies and Love. Steemitlove.

I am creating a new tag. #steemitlove

The response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ here was amazing. While the Holy Spiirt and I were preaching, you could see the tears running down the people’s faces, young and old as they heard of a God, Who Left heaven to suffer and die in their place. One Who will freely forgive our sins and bring heaven into our lives, while we are still on this earth.


What I also found out was there was no church and no school in this group of islands. There are no roads and the people get around in a wooden canoe or larger boat. The kids that do go to school have to go to the mainland every day and return in the evening.

The children in the phtoos are of school age, but are not attending school because they cannot afford the trip. From this particular spot, it takes about 90 minutes by diesel motor boat to make it to the mainland and then many miles to the nearest school.




It occurred to me that my ministry partner for this trip is a Pastor, my translator and a Dean of accredited schools in other locations in the Philippines.

Is this a match made in heaven?

Imagine a Church built by the people of Steemit! Since I have been on this platform, I have surmised, that the folks of Steemit are a notch or two above the folks I have met on social networking sites.

Perhaps we add a guest cottage and folks that contribute can come and stay?




Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Ministering to Jesus, by ministering the least!
Children, for such is the kingdom of God.

A Church and a School built on love and Steem.


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