The story of Maria Goretti

The young virgin and martyr whose feast we celebrate today, is one that generations have read with a mixture of FASCINATION and HORROR. Maria was only 11 years old when she was fatally stabbed 13 times by a serial rapist. That’s the HORRIFIC PART of her story. The FASCINATING PART is Maria’s deathbed FORGIVENESS of her attacker and his subsequent conversion.

It might seem hard, even impossible at times, but the important thing to remember about FORGIVENESS is that IT IS GOOD FOR US. We benefit far more than the person we have forgiven. So, do something nice for yourself today: FORGIVE SOMEONE.

Today, my heart specially goes out to those women who have been languishing in the bondage of gruesome sexual exploitation. Through the intercession of St Maria Goretti, may God intervene in their situation, Amen!

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