From the root words of the Greek translation of the word “prophet”, it is clear that the primary role of a prophet is to “SPEAK FOR” God: to PROCLAIM the TRUTH of God’s Word. A PROPHET then is a “CARRIER” OF TRUTH”. Using the language of common experience, we can say that a “PROPHET is the CONTAINER and TRUTH is the CONTENT”. According to our human proclivities and sense of judgment, the “condition” of a CONTAINER (especially the one that holds edible things) is as IMPORTANT as its CONTENT. And that is why people repel from drinking water kept in a dirty vessel. But then, whether it is kept in a dirty or clean vessel, water ESSENTIALLY remains WHAT IT IS. And so, we can infer that TRUTH remains WHAT IT IS, no matter the state (background or limitations) of the carrier. It should then be considered as a great folly for us to reject SOMETHING OF GREAT VALUE like truth on account of the limitations of the carrier. Jesus did not need to get a Harvard University degree in order to communicate the message of truth. His humble background as a son of a carpenter did not make Him think that He was of no relevance to the people of His time. From God’s perspective, the LIMITATIONS of the CONTAINER cannot tarnish its CONTENT. God can use the most “FOOLISH” of all people to communicate his WISDOM. What matters most is the CONTENT, not the CONTAINER.

For God, the NATURE of the container does not really matter. What matters is the SEED OF GREATNESS that the container carries! The American Archbishop Fulton Sheen was regarded by his college debate coach as “the WORST SPEAKER he has ever produced”. But today, he is being celebrated as ONE OF THE GREATEST PREACHERS that history has ever produced; the world will forever celebrate his eloquence in preaching. During his high school days, Ernest Hemingway was told by his teachers: “Forget about WRITING; you DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TALENT for it”. But today, he is celebrated as ONE OF THE GREATEST NOVELISTS that history has ever produced. Richard Hooker, ONE OF THE CELEBRATED AUTHORS in the world, had his book REJECTED by six publishers before it was finally ACCEPTED AND BECAME THE BESTSELLER. In the gospel (Mk. 6:1-6) of this Sunday, we heard that Jesus too was rejected on the basis of his background limitation. But today, he is celebrated by Christians as the most influential person that has ever existed. People’s opinion about him didn’t make Him give up on Himself, on God and on others. He continued to LOVE and WORK for God and humanity – no matter how many times he was rejected.

In Matt 10:24, it is recorded that “No disciple is greater than his teacher; no slave is greater than his master”. Jesus is our teacher; Jesus is our master. Therefore, if people had rejected him in his time, if people had written him off as a son of an ordinary carpenter, we shouldn’t be surprised if people reject us (His followers) in our time. We shouldn’t be surprised if people reject us because we don’t share the same interests with them. We shouldn’t be surprised if people reject us if we don’t meet their expectations as regards our physical appearance. We should not be surprised if people reject us if we are not of the same tribe or ethnic group with them. We shouldn’t be surprised if people hate and write us off if we do not share the same political interests with them. We should not even be surprised if we are rejected on account of our economic or social status. When rejection occurs, it is easy for the “rejected” one to lose heart. It is easy to give up and stop loving. It is easy to grow angry. It is easy to become bitter and resentful. However, let us be strengthened by Christ and other great men and women in history who have gone through the same “unfortunate” experience of rejection because of their limitations, but yet “GOD’S POWER WAS MADE PERFECT IN THEIR WEAKNESSES OR LIMITATIONS” (cf. 2 Cor. 12:9b).

In imitation of Jesus, let us continue to love; let us continue to work for God and humanity; let us continue to stand on the side of truth; let us continue to proclaim the truth by our lives and words of mouth, welcome or unwelcome! As God told Ezekiel (cf. 2:5), very soon people will certainly know and say about YOU “that indeed there has been a prophet in their midst”. Let us not get it twisted! Let us not get into the habit of heaping blames on God for the limitations that we may have. St Paul (the great apostle to the Gentiles) was not free of limitations. There are strong biblical indications that he might have been a very poor speaker. In 2 Cor. 11:6, he himself admitted that he was untrained in speech. That was one of his limitations. In the second reading (2 Cor. 12:7-10) of this Sunday, he tells us that whatever limitations we have are thorns in our flesh to keep us from being proud. But all in all, for the sake of Christ, we must be content with those limitations, weaknesses, rejections, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities; for when we feel we are weak, then we are strong.

Christ’s power will forever continue to manifest in our weaknesses. Why should we then regard ourselves as “nonentities and riffraff” when Christ’s power is always manifest in us? Why should we write ourselves off because of what people say about us when God is actually working through us in different ways? We must begin to make it a profession of faith, and allow it to sink into our subconscious minds that “EVEN IF WE ARE WEAK, WE ARE STRONG IN CHRIST”. Yes, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (cf. Phil. 4:13). A piece of bone that has been abandoned and thrown away is a delicacy for dogs. A tree that is fruitless can give shade. You may think that you are useless; but think again and remember that you are very useful in many ways. The God who created us and other things cannot have thought of bringing “useless” people or things into existence. Please, for the sake of God who created you, learn to value yourself!


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