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Any assembly of “Christians” that does not recognize and promote the centrality of the Cross is nothing but a mere social club that has nothing to do with Christ. An eloquent “preacher” that speaks against the Cross is just a mere public speaker and a social entertainer. Take away the cross from Churches, and we are left with “business” centers. Just be reminded: Christianity derives its meaning from Christ (the founder). Thus, a Christian is understood as a follower of Christ. But who is this Christ? As we strive to understand and answer this question, I am sure it will help some of us understand our faith better and come back on track if we have gone off track.

THE TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS I believe, to some extent, must have reminded us or helped us understand WHO and WHAT we are as Christians (followers of Jesus who accepted to suffer and die on the Cross). We can take a closer look at the readings of today’s celebration in order to understand more.

The first reading of today’s celebration is from the Book of Isaiah. Now, Isaiah, as a book, is divided into three: covering three distinct periods in Israel’s history. The first part (chs 1-39) is what properly belongs to Isaiah himself and contains the prophecies in the period before the Babylonian exile. The second part (chs 40-55) is attributed to a different prophet, often referred to as Deutero-Isaiah or Second Isaiah. He was a remote disciple of Isaiah, and he prophesied towards the end of the exile. The third part (chs 56-66) is known as Trito-Isaiah or Third Isaiah, attributed to a different prophet who prophesied during the post-exilic period (after the exile).

Now, all through the chapters of the Deutero-Isaiah (Second Isaiah), the message was all about consolation: consolation to a people who were languishing in exile. The prophet spoke of the coming restoration which will be initiated by a servant who, through suffering, will lead the people out of exile. The portion (Isa. 50:4-9) we just read today is part of what would happen to that Suffering Servant of Yahweh: HE WOULD BE STRUCK, SPAT ON AND SUBJECTED TO ALL SORTS OF TREATMENTS. But in all these, HE WOULD NOT BE REBELLIOUS. In all these, Isaiah was not just pointing to the immediate liberation of Israelites from exile, but to the liberation from the bondage of sin and wickedness which Christ will bring about through the cross.

Not only did the Jews long to be freed from the Babylonian captivity, they also longed to be freed from the Romans who later invaded them and subjected them to their rule. All through the Jewish history, it was a long march to freedom. But the freedom they really needed was not just a freedom from physical captivity but most importantly the freedom from the bondage of sin and wickedness. But the Messiah they expected was a political one: a Messiah who would never SUFFER to liberate them. If the Jews of Jesus’ time had actually listened to Isaiah about the kind of Messiah who would come, they would have understood that the Messiah was Christ who was in their midst: THE MESSIAH WHOSE MESSIAHSHIP WOULD BE CONFIRMED ON THE CROSS.
If Peter had understood that Christ was the Messiah, he would not have rebuked Jesus when He talked about His impending suffering and death on the Cross (cf. Mk. 8:27-35). Again, I don’t blame Peter: he was a Jew who must have read from the Book of Law and believed that “CURSED IS ANYONE WHO DIES ON THE CROSS” (cf. Deut. 21:23). He professed Jesus as Christ (as the Messiah); but he did not understand the kind of Messiah that Jesus is. The word he professed was not actually what he believed. He professed Jesus as the Christ (the Messiah) but he did not believe that Jesus will deliver them through His Suffering and Death on the Cross. Little did he know that the terms “Messiah, Son of God” mean that Jesus would give up His life for others!

Christianity has existed for thousands of years, but most Christians have not really understood what Christianity is all about. For the avoidance of doubt, we can deduce from the foregoing that Christ established the Cross as the only identity of His followers: “IF ANYONE WANTS TO BE A FOLLOWER OF MINE, HE MUST DENY HIMSELF, TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY AND FOLLOW ME” (cf. Mark 8:34-35). We continue to do things and make utterances that question our Christian identity. How can it ever be understood that someone discontinued going to Church because of certain difficulties or crosses that confront him or her? How can it ever be understood that someone continues to move from one church to another in search of solution to the difficulties he or she is facing? When we sing: “ME, I NO GO SUFFER…” and when we say that “SUFFERING IS NOT OUR PORTION”, what do we really mean? Are we saying that Christ was stupid by saying that we should carry our crosses daily and follow him? Please, any difficult situation that we can’t ordinarily resolve or explain in our lives should be seen as our participation in the Cross of Christ.

“Denying ourselves or carrying the cross in imitation of Christ” also means “giving ourselves for the good of others”. We, Christians, should better be known as MEN AND WOMEN FOR OTHERS. As St James clearly says in the second reading (James 2:14-18): if our profession of faith as Catholics is not accompanied by good works of charity and sacrifice, then our profession of faith is empty. If we see a brother or sister that is poorly clothed and in lack of daily food and do nothing about their situation, why should we still be regarded as Christians?

From all of the above, I am sure we have been satisfactorily reminded and known today that Jesus Christ (the founder of our Christian faith) is the Messiah. He is the Way to Life and Liberation; and His Way is the Hard Way of the Cross. To know this Way is good; but to follow it is better and liberating. It is one thing knowing the Way; it is another thing following it. May He grant us the grace to faithfully follow Him on the path of the Cross that we may have life in abundance and be free from sin and wickedness, Amen!
Happy sunday

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