Hello @steemchurch family I want to share about communication with God, since it is very vital for the Christian life.

JEHOVAH created intelligent beings to enjoy life and be happy like him (Psalm 36: 9, 1 Tim 1:11). The first, "the beginning of creation by God," was Jesus, whom the apostle John called "the Word" (John 1: 1, Rev. 3:14). Jehovah communicated with him and told him what he thought and felt (John 1:14, 17, Col. 1:15). On the other hand, the apostle Paul spoke of "the language of the angels," a form of communication far superior to that of any human being (1 Cor 13: 1).

One way to communicate with him is through worship, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.


I share with you some ways you can communicate with Him.

  • Find a comfortable place. Although it is possible to communicate with God anywhere, do everything possible to choose a place that is quiet and free of distractions. Sit or lie down and relax your body and mind. Close your eyes if it helps you focus.

  • Worship God. Come before Him with a heart of adoration and honesty. Praise God for what he is and what he has done in his life. It can help to focus on a specific characteristic of God and worship Him for that. Worship God as long as you consider appropriate.

  • Confess your sins to God. He knows all things about what he has said, thought and done. Confess all that you have done wrong against Him and the people around you. Ask God to reveal transgressions that are not conscious and confess them. Once you have confessed everything that comes to mind, be confident that God will forgive you as He has promised to do.


  • Thank God for everything He has done for you, for the prayers He has answered in the past and for all the spiritual blessings He has given you. Thank God for the material things he has in life and for all he is grateful for. Most important, give thanks for the relationship you have with him through Jesus Christ.

  • Bring your supplications before God. Take this time to ask God to meet your physical and spiritual needs. If you have any questions or concerns in your life, bring them before you. Do not be afraid to ask for things, He is your Father. Pray for other people and events during this time. When you have finished bringing your petitions before him, pray that only the things that are in God's will will take place.

  • Listen to God. Calm your mind and ask it to reveal itself to you. Be silent before Him and wait silently for Him. Try to be aware of their presence around you. Stay in this state as long as you want. Thank God for listening and pray that He will be with you throughout the day.


Our Creator knows perfectly all the intelligent beings he has created in heaven and on Earth. He is able to simultaneously listen to millions and millions of prayers in different languages and at the same time talk to the spiritual creatures and give them instructions. Obviously, your mind and your ability to communicate are far superior to those of man (read Isaiah 55: 8, 9). Therefore, when you want to communicate with us, use a simpler language so that we can understand it.

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