The Revenge

All at some time in our lives we have gone through situations that in one way or another and although our good side tells us one and a thousand times that revenge is not from God, we will always have that desire to avenge ourselves.

Textual quote of the meaning of revenge:
Revenge is a form of punishment that is applied by a person who has received abuse, insults or any action that is considered harmful to the integrity of the other; The victim, after having received the aggression after feeling affected, decides to retaliate against his aggressor, in turn committing acts that harm him. The people who practice revenge through this way seek compensation for the damages that have been done against him; Many times it is understood as revenge (in a distorted sense) as a synonym of justice, however this concept is directed more towards the insulting sense on a personal level, which is pleasant for a whole population.

Taking it to the spiritual plane, the bible says in:

Romans 12:19 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
19 Do not avenge yourselves, my beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God; because it is written: Mine is revenge, I will pay, says the Lord.


We clearly see that God in his word tells us that revenge belongs only to Him and not to us.

God does not tell us to settle accounts or to retaliate, nor to judge because that is his task. Let us not try for any reason to do his work, God is wise and only He has the power and the decision to do what really should be done. We are nothing or nobody to question people.

Let us not allow ourselves to be instruments of revenge; When we become instruments of revenge it is because the devil has gained ground in our hearts, it is because we have opened the doors for him to use us at his whim and immerse us in his ruins.

When they mistreat us, our immediate reaction is to seek revenge. To retaliate is a natural attitude, and that is where the problem lies.

To retaliate is the law of man; Giving thanks is the law of the kingdom.
The soul of vengeful people is bitterness. Evil coils in our hearts destroying them little by little, nestling bad feelings that over time become increasingly difficult to tear.

We can not alter the yesterday, but if we can alter our reaction yesterday.
We can not change the past, but if we can change the answer to the past.

To take for granted something different from what God wants is to affirm that He cannot do it and we if can.

Revenge is irreverent in the eyes of God; by retaliating we are telling God that He can not provide the punishment that deserves the one who has harmed us; On the other hand when we forgive we show reverence, we are letting Him do the things, we are giving him the rightful place in our lives and showing our obedience to Him, who without asking anything, does everything for us, his children.

To forgive is not to say that the one who hurt us was right; Forgiveness is to affirm that God is just and will do what is just.

We must let God act and take care of our enemies;
Without a doubt He is the one who knows everything, who can do everything, He is


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