But in the Lord, neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man. Is true that husband and wife are equal before the Lord. However, to achieve perfect plan of God in marriage is necessary to follow the guidelines that He established for the role of the spouses in the marriage relationship.

The differences between the sexes were given by the Creator in order to equip each one in the role that He appointed. God is a God of order and authority and He designed His creation with lines of authority and discipline, not with anarchy or chaos.

But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every male, and the male is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ This is the divine design and ignoring it results in a home and an unhappy and disoriented society.

God ordered that man be responsible for leading his family. Being the head wants say be the leader. It does not mean only privileges and rights. It means authority and right to give the final word but also means to assume the responsibilities that they accompany such leadership. Man has to direct his home.

The husband is responsible for everything What happens at home? . . that governs his house well, that he has his children in subjection to all honesty (for he who does not know how to govern his own house, how will he take care of the church of God? This characteristic is included in the list of qualities of men who lead lives that qualify them for leadership in the church and that are examples for all mens, it is required that deacons also be good rulers of their children and their homes. The husband must have his home under his control. This includes all members of your family. Your task is to assume that leadership.

Leadership does not mean crushing the talents and gifts of others. A good leader He knows how to entrust others with work and support them in their tasks. The ruler of the home does not he will neglect or destroy the talents of his wife. He will consider it as a wonderful God's blessing, which helps and complements him. He who finds a wife finds good, and reaches the benevolence of Jehovah.

With the hectic life of our modern culture the Most men are absent from their home most of the day. The husband depends on his wife to be aware of the details of the home. You have to consult with her Frequently to know what is happening in the family. It is your responsibility to correct things that are not going well Despite the changing conditions of today's society, God He has not relieved the husband of his responsibilities as head of the household.

Being the head of the family means seeing that all members of the family are Dear and cared for. It means that the material, spiritual, and social needs of Each member is provided. Manifestations of selfishness and lack of maturity on the part of a married man are disgusting and they are sinful. The responsibility for the welfare of the family is a part of the leadership appointed by God. The wishes, opinions, and comfort of a single member of the family, especially the boss, should not be the decisive factor in a decision. Every decision must take into account the common good of the family and the rights and needs of each member.

Thinking of the obvious family crisis in our modern society, the main failure of the husband consists in his neglect of the spiritual life of the family.

In most of the homes today the leadership in spiritual things belongs to the wife instead of the husband. This it is not God's will and will lead to disaster, unless there is no husband or father present, or if the husband is not a believer.

Being the head of the family according to the design of God, the husband and eleven father is the call to see that there is a time of family worship, study of the Scriptures, prayer, and assistance in church services. He is responsible for seeing that his children receive teaching in the knowledge and ways of God. You can accept help in this task from your wife, church, or school, but it is your responsibility to see that it is done properly.


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