Testimonies of humanitarian aid thanks to @SirKnight


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Testimonies of the people who were helped with the food!

everything started like this: we started to make meals with the help of my wife and two team members who placed cars to order to distribute the food.

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We started our route near the city of Barcelona, ​​the first person we met was an elderly man, who was working as a gardener all day and did not have to eat, when he saw that I felt I should help him, we stopped and gave him food, while We talked with him, we talked to him about God, and we brought him a word of hope. We said that food was sent by @SirKnight, then when I finished I took my hand and said these words: "let me thank you singing, and began to sing a chorus that said: "I thank God for all things, so go through the difficulties"
I heard the song,Then I got in the car

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We went our way and found a couple of children who did not have to eat and who were in the streets asking for food, we gave him food and we told him that this comes from God and an angel called @SirKnight

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also we met an older man who works collecting aluminum part to sell it and thus have money to to eat , when we gave him food he could not believe it and he said these words: "God will give you everything, you will not lack anything" we pray with him.

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We followed our path and found an older woman, who said she had 2 days without food and when we gave her food she thanked us and told us that God bless the angel that sent the food, we told her that that angel was called @SirKnight

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Later we met some girls waiting outside a food store to wait for someone to give them something to eat, we arrived and gave food to the children, the joy on their faces was the best reward for each one of us that day . we talked to him about God and about an angel that made all this possible SirKnight

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We met at a traffic light an elderly man, who had all day asking for alms to eat, when we gave him food, I cry.

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then we went to the city of Puerto La Cruz and found a woman who was drying her clothes on the floor, and she had no place to live or eat, we gave her food and she gave us a smile and told us that I wanted to know more about God now.

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Later we met an older man, gave him food and told him that the food came from an angel named SirKnight, he told us that he wanted to meet that angel named SirKnight who had sent him the food, and we told him that he had many greetings and that would resist the test that soon came blessings for Venezuela

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Then we went on our way and met some people who were looking through the trash to eat, and when we gave him the food they were filled with joy and said that God had not forgotten them.

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this was some of the testimonials, we could not place all! but I hope this post is insentient to encourage many to help!
I wanted to thank God first because he is a faithful God ..
and also to our leader @SirKnight who made all this possible, he is an angel sent to help many nations, and as he says "steem will feed the world" one community at a time.

do not forget to access our website: www.steemchurch.net


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