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It is one thing to love and it is entirely another thing to express it.
Loving God goes beyond just saying it,in a way-it becomes a lifestyle which is evident in your daily dealings. Here are a few ways to express your love for God;

  1. Obedience: obedience is better then sacrifice (1st Samuel 15:22) but I think obedience is a sacrifice in its self-ah it is not easy. God commanded-thou shall not lie;seriously, this is one commandment that sounds easy to obey but it is actually the first commandment we breakπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Jesus said it all in John 14:15,if you love me,keep my commandment.

  2. Going after the lost: I know peeps will think ah this shouldn't be the next but hey it isπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
    Loving God means loving all that God loves and God loves the lost. Praying for the lost,going out to evangelize,telling people about God is another way of expressing your love for God.
    Despite how lost the world was,God still loved it and sent his only begotten son to prevent the lost from perishing(John 3:16),it is his business to see all lost saved-what a great opportunity for us all...partner with God and bring back all the lost.

  3. Giving: To give is to love. John 3:16-God loved and gave,if you do love him,then start giving. God can't be seen-so your giving won't be direct. There are several giving channels-
    ● Offerings and Tithes
    ●Giving to your biological parents as well as your spiritual parents (your pastors)
    ● Giving to the needy/less privileged etc

There are other ways to express our love for God
Feel free to add to this list in the comment session

Lets go all out and express our love for GodπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
God bless you all😍😍😍
Happy sunday😎

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