Understanding and Commanding Divine Help.


The word HELP means to assist or complement.
The following Greek verbs will be used to explain Help better in this content.
Antilambano: it means to support, to partake of...(Luke 1:54).
Sullambano: it means to assist, to take part with and to help in what others are doing.(Lk 5:7)
Boetheo: It means to come to one's aid. (Mat.15:25).

Literarily Succour is permanent relief,or help given in time of need;
Help involves divine intervention which means lifting, raising, complementing, catapulting and leading to aids, assist, cooperate with, work together with support, partake.
It means to exchange what you have to benefit the other person.

It takes a help to take a leap, and there are divine heights attained only by divine help.

Every lift in life is traceable to a gift, and you need a raiser to raise you above your race.

Divine help is that which comes from God through the instrumentality of divinity. It can come through the Holy Spirit, the angels of God, the word of God and also,the grace of God.

In Genesis 16:7 "The angel of the Lord founds Hagar near the spring in the desert" and tendered help to her,having been sent by God.

In Genesis 18, three visitors came looking for Abraham, they were angel whom God used according to the message from God and though Abraham and Sarah were already old, they received their promise from God.

In Genesis 19:1, two angels arrived in Sodan in the evening to rescue lot and his family from the wicked Sodomites.

In Romans 8:26, the Holy Spirit was revealed as the helper within with ability,power of direction and supernatural wisdom for exploits.

In Hebrew 4:16, Grace is the endowment of God upon us, which functions as the helper outside. Grace releases to us favour and ability to receive help.

Divine help is an assistance received when it seems difficult to get out of some situations that is not palatable.

No matter what you are passing through when God stretches out His hands of help everything will turn around for your good and you will sing the song of victory.

God is always there to help all those that call upon him and He's ever ready to help them out. Keep calling and keep praising Him.

What you are passing through is not bigger than God. I see divine help help coming your way. Slalom.

Thanks for checking in.

Regards @maintain4real-eu

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