It Is Time To Take Charge of Your Heavenly Pedigree


We are created to live a fulfilled life that is filled with authority and power but it takes understanding to really operate in such realm.

If you really know your source, nobody can give you a direction to where you did not belong.

There is a place that is meant for you but it takes understanding of where you are meant to be to really take the rulership of that place.

I have witness some princes and princesses living a life as if they are not from palace all because they don’t know the worth of the position they occupied.

We are all born into this world but some have understanding of this life than others and they are really living a fulfilled life.

There are ways to operate beyond the physical world and start operating in the heavenly places where our pedigree is. When you were born again, you became a bonafide citizen of heaven and you now have the ability to share and enjoy in the heavenly pedigree. You are now from the government of Zion, functioning in the earth as heaven’s ambassador.

If you are on the Lord's side and you have Christ, as God sets Jesus Christ in the place of authority in the heavenly realms, not just above or near above, but “FAR” above all principality and power (Ephesians 1:21), the same way with Him we are set apart to operate in the heavenly places with power and authority above all principality and power.

And you hath He quickened,….wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world….But God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us…hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace ye are saved)..And hath raised us together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:1-6

This shows that your current location have been raised up together and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. This therefore means you are from the government of heaven, you are over and above every rulership or government and the authority of principality and power by which they govern.
It means no weapon fashioned against you shall ever prosper.

It doesn’t matter where you go in this world or where you find yourself, wherever you find yourself, be conscious of your Heavenly Pedigree. Be conscious of your identity in the Lord. You are not an ordinary person. Look beyond your natural citizenship, the country of your earthly nativity, look beyond the environmental forces, look beyond all the works of forces around you.

It is time to start looking up to Zion, the real country of your new birth. You are far removed from the influences of demons and powers, wickedness, perils and debilitating forces in this world.
You are set high above and above only.

You are with Christ in the place of authority, over and above every government, authority, power, lordship of darkness and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
You are over and above all circumstances of life.
It is your season and your time to take charge of what belong to you.

Thanks for taking your time to read through the piece

Regards @maintain4real-eu

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