Good Morning LORD, Song of Praise (Let everything that hath Breath Praise the Lord)


Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Psalm 150:61

How good is it to seek God early in the morning?
I do not wake myself up he woke me up.
He protected me from the arrow that flies by day and that which works by night.
So many things have happened during the night but God has been faithful.

He delivered me from the hands of my enemies and he lifted me above all the powers of darkness.
He is faithful. He set my feet upon the rock to stay.
He uses His banner to cover me. He destructs the plan of the opposition.
I can talk, walk, and see.
He made me perfectly and fearfully to dominate.
He gives His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.

Sometimes I walk through the valley of shadows of death, am never afraid because the LORD always keeps me.
I tread upon serpent and scorpions and every power of the enemies because the LORD sustained me and nothing hurt me.
He rescues me from every trap and protects me from the deadly disease that is capable of taking my life.
He covers me with His feathers and shelters me under His wings because His faithful promises are armor and protection.

Am never afraid of the terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly in the day, neither will I be dread of the diseases that stalks in darkness talk less the disease that strikes at mid-day because the LORD is always with me.

I watched thousands fallen at my right hand and even ten thousand at my left hand, I am exempted because the LORD build His shield around me.

No evil will conquer me neither will any plague come near my dwelling place because the LORD is watching over me.

I slept every night and I pass through the shadow of death but the LORD by His mercy wakes me up everyday strong and healthy.

Most times I eat what I see and not what I love to eat but the Lord never allows such food to work contrary to my life and health.

I drank pure water and not clean water but the LORD never allow me to be attacked by typhoid fever but I watched those that are extremely careful with what they eat or drink being attacked by sickness.


Father, we bless you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you LORD, the owner of my soul.
Thank you from morning till night is not enough to thank thee.

You are perfect in your works faithful are you Lord, you are faithful.
You thrill me with all you have done for me, I sing for joy for all you have done.
You are glorious in holiness and fearful in praises.
I have the boldness to call you my father because you always meet me at every point of my need and you never cease to correct me when I want to go astray.

To you be all the praise.

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