Canceling Satanic Agenda


As God has agenda for His own children, so also the devil has designs and patterns he desired the children of God to follow. The devil is out to obstruct God’s plans in order to make a man miss destiny. Immediately after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden in Gen 3, the devil takes no rest to see to it that man misses his way in life. He (devil) ensures that man is the stripe of the glory and honor of God leaving him empty.

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
Psalm 2:2

The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

The good news is that the plan of God is beyond any negative plans against our life. He is always committed to giving us the best and give us shield against any form of satanic oppression. He is always there to give us the best, “for he has a good thought for our lives.

For I know the thoughts I have toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11

There are some great things that devil might want to kill or destroy our life which includes:

Our Purpose in life:

A life with no purpose is a worthless life. It is only someone that has a purpose of living that devil will want to attack in order to destroy such purpose and give such life another definition and direction. We shouldn’t allow Devil to destroy it.

Our Desire:

The says “the desires of your heart shall be granted” but when the desires are killed, frustration set in.
We all have a desire that we want to be met and we believe that God is capable of meeting our desire. But when our desires are not met, frustration will set in and we won’t live a focused life which will give devil permission to weigh us down.


vision takes a man to his destination. Vision creates room for the next level and enlarges your coast. Thus, when vision is killed, stagnancy prevails.


The gift of a man shall make a way for him and cause him to stand before great men say the bible. Many people have not been able to stand before great men because the gifts which will open this door unto them have been buried.

The Fruit of our Labour:

The great delight of the devil for our life is profitless hard work. He desires us not to have anything to show for our hard work but we shouldn't allow such to prevail.


Marriages crash daily at an alarming rate. It is simply the work of the enemy because he knows that a goodly home will give birth to a better society.

Your Potential:

Potential is said to be what you can do but have not done. The devil prefers it when people did not wake up to their potentials. Ignorance of what you can do leads to an unfulfilled life.


The expectation of many people has been killed for lack of faith. When you are not expectant, you end up receiving nothing.

Our Voice:

Every man has been given a voice by God. One of the joys of the enemy is silenced the voices and makes sure the authority of your voice is lost. John the Baptist said, “I am the voice crying in the wilderness make straight of the path of the Lord.

Our Life is precious and fully loaded with loads of blessings that is capable of changing our generation and cause us to be a blessing to people around us and even to the entire world but Devil don’t want anyone to discover, start or complete the agenda of God for their lives.

Never allow the plans of enemies to dim that light in you. Stand strong in prayers and wrestle against Devil and the enemies of your destiny.

Thanks for taking your time to read the piece

Regards @maintain4real-eu

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