Arise to Arrest Negative Prophecy


You have the power in your mouth to avert every evil and negative declaration that have been declared into your life.

As a human being, we are bound to offend people in the journey of life. Some of these people forgave easily and let things go whereas there are some that will never forgive but rather pronounced evil and negative things into our lives just to revenge.

We sometimes offend people and we took steps to plead for forgiveness but some will claimed to have forgiven but they went ahead with bad deeds against our lives.
Theirs is to pronounce it and yours is to carry the unction that is capable of changing all forms of negative prophecies into positive ones.

If you are really on the Lord's side and you never plan of doing evil to anyone, God will always arise on your behalf and avert negativities.

Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?
Lamentation 3:37

The above shows that people can say anything concerning your life and destiny but the ability to bring those things to fulfilment belongs to God.
You are blessed beyond curse and too relevant in the sight of God for Him to ever sit down and watch the pronouncements of enemies to come to fulfilment in your life.

In 2Kings 20, Hezekiah received bad news from prophet Isaiah that he will die and not live. Hezekiah arose to arrest the verdict in prayer. God promptly gave the prophet a contrary but corrective message for Hezekiah, and he who had been sick and pronounced to be dead received additional 15 years instantly to live just as a respond to his prayer. He lived thereafter according to the counter prophecy from the self same prophet.


You can arrest and upturn negative prophecy today by prayer. God is the judge with the final verdict and He is capable of arresting those negative verdicts against your life so far you are on the Lord's side.

You have the power loaded in your mouth to turn things around for you.
To turn curse into blessing. To turn death into life. To turn poverty into prosperity.

Don't give in to fear or negative pronouncements of enemies around you,turn to God in prayer and believe that He has the ability of turning things around for your favour and to His glory

Thanks for taking your time to read through. See you at the top.

Regards @maintain4real-eu

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