1 Meetup Steemchurch Venezuela a Dream Come True



Bless all my brothers from @steemchurch Last Friday, May 11, at the famous maremares hotel located in Lecheria, an event was held in steemchurchch in Venezuela and on the Steemit platform. Keeping in mind that @steemchurch is the first Christian church in blockchain technology in Venezuela.



This event had as protagonist the apostle @darlenys01 who is the ambassador and promoter of the church in Venezuela having as a mentor to @sirknight who is the creator of steemchurch without doubt having the blessing of the holy spirit to be original and innovative with this creation.


It should be noted that the meeting had an excellent organizational level as they took great care of the details of the room as well as the decoration and protocol staff so that guests could arrive at the indicated table, in addition to the bohemian room. orchestra, that delight those present with typical themes of Venezuela. It was also possible to observe a small induction of @oscarcc89 around what is the Steemit platform, guiding those present according to the mission and vision that must be had to succeed working in good faith and working with love and much Tesón, Dios para Cover us with your precious blood and achieve success and abundance.


He was delighted with the words and testimonies of @darlenys01, who was the mentor of the night for all the effort he has made to spread the Christian church in Venezuela, without forgetting his experiences in terms of starting his trip in the church making it clear that With faith you can achieve your dreams. At the same time, I send messages of positivism to the friends of Nigeria and Ghana who are also part of this prestigious church that with an ant work has managed to expand in the African continent with great success thanks to @sirknight who has been the father of this blessed church.


Then, @emiliocabrera gave very emotional testimonies of how it was the beginning in the Steemit platform and in Steemchurch, based on faith and the desire to improve their financial situation to help their family with the current strong situation in Venezuela.


On the other hand, we can not forget that in the event there was a great amount of refreshments and a variety of sweets that could taste those present during the event.


No doubt they had an excellent organization. The message I received was very positive thanks to the excellent speakers who had at this first meeting of Steemchurch in the east of the country.


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