"He who is standing, take care not to fall."


It is not surprising that the Bible warns that "therefore, one who thinks to be firm, careful not to fall" (I Corinthians 10:12). The interesting thing in this verse is to see that it is written "he who thinks", and not "he who is", that is, there are countless times when we mistakenly suppose that we are firm or at a very high level of spirituality, and that nothing They shake us. However, it is exactly in those moments that we can fall. A simple wind can turn into a hurricane, being able to knock us down or destabilize us.

It is very easy to criticize, speak badly or even condemn someone, when we are not going through the same situation. The problem is that each of us sins on one issue: we believe that the same will never happen to us. We forget that we are failures, liable to errors and vulnerable to attacks. You must have already heard that saying "whoever has a glass roof does not throw stone on anyone's roof". As Christians, we should always observe that. I have already heard many people say: "You, have you seen what so-and-so did, how can he not? That's an absurdity!" When it would be true to pray or even remain silent, there are moments when the Silence is better than a multitude of words, in most times of condemnation and judgment, and weird of advice and guidance.

We can fall into the minimum things, for example, greed, our shortcomings, unforeseen attacks of nerves, fights and arguments that start "soft", but then end up behind bars. We need to evaluate the right and the wrong. But that does not give us the right to throw stones at anyone. Something that we must always remember, and that will avoid hasty judgments, is that we are made of the same mud, subject to the same cracks, stains, manufacturing defects, mud and dirt. We need to perceive the fragile glass roofs above us. That's why 'it's worth hearing again': "He who is standing, take care not to fall."

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