BRIEF of how valentine came about (SAINT VALENTINE)


All of us here today celebrating valentine day febrauary 14, do not know how the origin of how valentine day came about. as we all know valentine day is day of sharing candy, roses, flowers with our love ones. but we dont imagine how this day came to existence. Today i would be talking brief of what i know about this day.
during the period of the roman in the 276 A.D they was a man named VALENTINE who was a roman priest, also an emperor name CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS (also known as claudius the second) who had military league, claudius had a problem with men joining the army league because they where afraid of what would happen to their household if they die, due to this situation, claudius places an edict that the marriage of young lovers is banned from the land. although claudius was a persecutor of christians . saint valentine who heard what the emperor has condemned from the land did not obey the emperor, went on to secrete marriages of young lover and encouaraging them to marry in the way of the christian church.
Saint valentine was caught in the act and was sentenced to jail for defying the emperors command, and was also sentence to death on the day februaruy 14, all because he stood for the church and christian marriage. it is also said that the last thing he wrote before he's death was to asrterius daughter one of the jailer's daughter written : signed FROM YOUR VALENTINE.
valentine martyrdom is what we celebrate today in churches and parts of the world. he is known as patron saint of lovers cause he stood and died for marriages in the church.
the date of the death of saint valentine was a festival of the pagan at that time which is known as feast of Lupercalia where as women names where placed on a bet and given to the men the bet falls on. Gelasius was the one who ended the festival of Lupercalia and changed it to the feast of saint valentine at around 496 AD which today we celebrate today


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