Attentive Women !!!

Regards to the family steemians!

Women pay attention to details, we get to do several things at the same time. We are blessed, because the Lord loves us. You are a precious stone for him. We, women, are delicate.

"The wise scale the city of power and overthrow the strength of their confidence" (Proverbs 21:22)

Many times, we need to keep our language, and only pray. The Lord talks to us about that. If there is someone who mistreats you, act for love, do not repay yourself in the same currency that they make you.


You are not doing things for something, but for the Lord. Once, a co-worker who was promoted, began to treat me badly and I did not understand the reason. On her birthday, the Lord spoke to me about her favorite chocolate, and I gave it to her. What she had against me was broken at that moment. I could not see, but I knew that the Lord was already working. Then, peace was flowing. When we obey the Lord, things are attracted to people. You will not do justice with your hands.

Be careful with your words. Honor your father and your mother.

Liberate forgiveness, release what you have inside.

We can desire things from each other, but we can not covet. We are daughters of one father, we are all sisters in Christ.

"Hatred excites strife, but love covers all sins"

(Proverbs 10:12)

When we are angry, she incites more and more contention. Some of his attitudes are in his family. Love covers all transgressions, extinguishes everything.

The devil is cunning; He comes to the little things, even you not perceiving. He has to fight, and, thus, generate things for his family. In our life, we will have afflictions, but the Lord has already passed through all of them and we are more than conquerors with Him.

Each one, why, and He takes care of each one. We can not simply forget the Word and take the attitudes we take as if we were from the world, acting in the flesh.

Every day He frees you from something. You have freedom that you know, and others that you can not even imagine. Every day He looks for you. Just be thankful because you are healthy, because you are free in the Lord.

If you have some bad and say: I did wrong, forgive me. God is merciful and forgives you. He loves you.

A word of guidance as you must act in every moment, day-to-day situations. The Lord frees us from all things, but for that we need to be in line with the Word.


He has an orientation for us every day. Pray to the Lord, and He will give you a sabre in speaking, with certainty, you will take attitudes that will glorify the Lord. When we do this, we have added things in our life. Every day he frees us, he gives us a new day. Every day is a different day for you. He loves you, all the same in his eyes.

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