How To Turn Your Life Around

Ruth turned her life around when she was bereaved, broke and barren. How?
First: By choosing the right mentor. She told Naomi, '... Wherever you go, I will go...' (Ruth 1v16).

The fact that Naomi was a Jew and Ruth a Gentile, or that Ruth was young and Naomi was older, didn't put Ruth off one bit. Doubtless, there were times they didn't see eye-to-eye or relate to each other at all. But when God want to stretch you, He will put somebody into your life with different experiences and insights.

Naomi, was Ruth eyes and ears in a world she didn't know; she was her tutor and guide in getting Ruth to her destiny.

God is raising up leaders with solutions for today's problems. If you hope to be called for duty, recognize those He sends to prepare you. Whether they come to cheer, comfort, counsel or correct you, remember the words of Jesus '... He that receive whom so ever I send receive Me' (John 13v20).

Second: by getting into the right field. Ruth said '... Let me glean after him in whose sight I may find favor.' things were bad in Moab but good in Bethlehem. So Ruth left the comfort of the familiar, stepped out in faith, and not only ended up surviving, but thriving.

In the end she married Boaz, the owner of the field, and went on to become part of the family of King David and our Lord Jesus Christ.

How is that for a turn around? God's plan for your future involves connecting with the right people, and being in the right field. So ask Him to guild you. God bless you!

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