
Tuesday, 29th May

Topic: The Character of God

Scriptural Passage: James 1:5-8


James 1:5, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

What I want to talk about this morning is the character of God. God is a giving God. When you meet a person who is respectful, you don't need to do anything for them to respect you; they just respect you. It's what they do; it's who they are.

When you ask of anything from God with the understanding of His nature in mind, it shall be given to you. You see, our problem most times is that, when we pray, we pray with a double mind. Look at the next verse (James 1:6). It says “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord…”This scripture talks about the man that comes to prayer to make a request to God and is not too sure whether God was hearing him or God is going to answer him.

If you lack wisdom, ask God for it. He giveth to all men… not to Christians or prayer warriors alone… He giveth to ALL MEN. Your head is the caterpillar that breaks your way, you don't get it. The bible says “He is the lifter up of my head…”. Your thinking tank is in your head. A MAN IS AS HIS HEAD OPERATES.

The capacity of the usage of your head determines the quality of your life.
If a man can think his way out, it's just a matter of time… he will break out. When a woman is in labour and they see the head of the baby, they know that the baby is on his way out. If your head can pass through, your life can pass through.
Hear me, you may face issues in life that men will look at you and think that you are finished, but if you can settle down in the place of meditation and imagine your freedom, imagine your way out, and think your way out, it's only a matter of time… you will come out. I have been in situations where I thought I was finished, men thought I was done for but you know what? I sat in quietness.

If you can sit in quietness and choose to involve God, you will come out.

Prophetic Declaration


I receive the wisdom of God to deal with life issues today, I choose to involve God in all my affairs, in Jesus name, Amen

The capacity of the usage of your head determines the quality of your life.

Apostle Emmabel Prince-

Images from pixabay.

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