Faith and Patience

Faith and Patience have often been described as the power twins; You cannot separate faith and patience because you cannot have faith without patience and you cannot be patient without faith.

Faith and patience are necessary ingredients in having an effective and productive life.

Text:Hebrews 6:12

12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patience inherited the promise

Enjoying all of God's promises in your life is preconditioned on these awesome virtues of faith and patience working in your life.
I would like us to firstly look separately into these power twins, and then we will later consider the effectiveness of these factors of success and absolute victory in a man's life.

Faith has been given so many definitions. I believe the best of these definitions is the one given in

Text:Hebrews 11:1

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen

Faith is the substance of things hoped for; faith is not hoping to do something, or believing to receive something. Faith is now, I have it! I was hoping to get it, I believed for it, but thank God because nowI have got it. You see, faith claims it has happened.

The second definition given to us is that; faith is the evidence of things not seen. The word evidence here refers to having the title deed or legal document as the proof that you have the things you do not see. Let me explain something to you about faith; the unseen realities that you have the title deed for are not unreal. they are spiritually tangible. For example, in science, there are things that are not seen by the human eyes, yet they are real. The Physicist tells us about ultrasonic sounds; these are sounds that have their frequency above the limit of
human hearing, they can only be heard by the use of specialized hearing devices. Yet they are real. Also, in biology, we know about microorganisms that are known to cause diseases, yet these organisms cannot be seen with the human eyes. They require the help of the microscope to see them.

When you say you have the evidence of things you do not see, it does not mean you have gone nuts. Faith is based on the word of God; God's word is the title deed of faith, it is the legal proof of our prosperity, health, victory, success in life. Faith is what you need to enjoy God's best, without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Patience is not aimless waiting; it is acting your faith as you wait on God. Jesus said

Text:Luke 21:19

19 In your patience posses your souls

Patience is resting in God because he has
everything that concerns you under control. True patience always results from faith and absolute confidence in God's word.

I urge you to act your faith with patience, and you will see the extra-ordinary results your faith will produce with patience, and just like the heroes of faith in the bible who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire. escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of alien, and so much more, you also can win!

" Patience is not aimless waiting: it is acting your faith as you wait on God."

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