Healed from Chicken Pox -Thanksgiving Sunday

I never believed I could be down with chicken pox.


In Global Harvest Bodija today, we had a Thanksgiving Service, basically thanking God for all He did for us last month. I mean when last did you sit to actually count your blessings and name them one by one. My friends, to breathe is a very big reason why one should be grateful.
(My beautiful mom and sister @christabelle)

In fact there's nothing like sound health, even the slightest headache leaves you uncomfortable. Had a very bad experience all through last week, which was the reason for my absence here all.
I was down with the chicken pox. I thought this particular ailment was only for children, I can't even post the pictures of me with it cause they're graphic.
I'm just appreciating God for healing me. I itched all through last week, incessant cold and big vessicles all over my body, especially my face, couldn't even go out. If you look closely at the picture up you'll still see some, they're not yet completely dried.
In church today the man of God -Pst Jude Ujomu emphasized on us giving thanks to God in everything, to have it as a lifestyle and backed it up with "1Thess 57:18".
If we really sit to think, we would realize there are so many reasons why we must express our gratitude to God daily.
With all that being said, join me as we consciously make thanksgiving a lifestyle.

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