Humanity today, lacking in spirituality, goes from beliefs to beliefs, from custom to custom and finally from churches to churches, or they get tired of knocking on doors and becoming isolated from the path of God or fall into the ideologies of the false prophets.

False prophets are considered people who claim to possess a false gift of prophetic character, which will be used for profit, economic or personal purposes.

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ warned about the future appearance of false prophets that would be like "Wolves disguised as sheep." False teachers have never failed. From the beginning of the biblical history they have made themselves present and have tried to destroy the work of the church.

Today more than ever, the words of Christ are fulfilled to the letter. While on the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke to his disciples and told them:

«Then, if someone says to you:" Behold, here is the Christ ", or" Behold, there it is ", do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will do signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, the elect. But you, look! I have told you everything in advance »[Jesus Christ] Mark 13: 21-23

«And many false prophets will arise and deceive many.»Matthew 24: 11

The problem is not that the false prophets rise, but that many are deceived by them, because in order to detect the false prophet or teacher, one must stand firmly on the Word of God, have spiritual vision and the understanding enlightened by the Spirit. Holy. False teachers have been and continue to be deceived by other false teachers and Satan himself and in this same way they go on a cycle of bad to worse, deceiving others in their path.

The apostle Peter after seeing many things that happened in the churches of the first century says the following:

«But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce heresies of perdition and many will follow their dissolutions, by which the way of truth will be blasphemed; And through covetousness they will make merchandise of you with feigned words, about which the condemnation of a long time is not delayed, and their doom does not fall asleep». 2 Peter 2: 1-3

Currently, a skilled preacher can make any argument sound credible and even very biblical, it is there where he acts with "subtlety or cunning," for this lie to be true, it must not lack logic to be counted with frequency by the people who listen to it, we often hear in the church with great insistence and as the most important "The power of the mind," many preachers often use the word "Decree," as part of their prayer using biblical passages and doing any amount of decrees as for example: "decree material prosperity" (no economic problem), "physical prosperity" (no disease), "prosperity of self-esteem or gospel of success" (no failure), All this is logical, appeals to vanity or it can be true, God is good and just, he wants the best for his children.

False prophets proclaim that having everything is evidence of living under the "divine blessing" and the absence of it is a sign of living in a "curse," For this reason, a majority of naive believers have been caught in the "lie" greatest of the devil. " But "a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it, the truth is the truth, although nobody believes it".

Jesus Christ said that true followers would be known by their fruits. A false teacher may pretend to have the fruit of a Christian but sooner or later he will let himself know what he really is, that is, he can not have a source that gives us fresh and salty water at the same time. The true sources of God will always bear spiritual fruit, the false teachers appear to bear good fruit, yet they can not hide the fruits of sin and deception.

According to «Jeremiah 23: 9-40, the false prophets arrogated to themselves, the title of "prophets" without having been called or sent by God. "I did not send those prophets, but they ran, I did not speak to them, but they prophesied»(v. 21).

Our Lord also said: «For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect»(Matthew 24:24).

The objective of the false prophet is to encourage people to accept the social, economic and religious plans of the antichrist.

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