What does the Bible say about the population of another Planet?

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Are there life on other planets?

In a program made by Brother Eli Soriano Sister Carla Medrano asked about the inhabitants of outer space, what many people talk about, like UFOs and flying saucers. She wanted to know if this is to confuse the world.

A continuación un análisis de la predica del hermano Eli Soriano, Sobre la pregunta que le realiza la Hermana Carla Medrano a nuestro hermano Eli Soriano, ¿Los ovnis y los seres extraterrestres son verdad?

Analysis of the question

At this point I completely agree, that the first thing to understand, would be that in addition to our Planet, there is no other planet mentioned in the Bible where human life can exist. The brother quotes us the word of God, to indicate that we were created and placed on the face of the Earth by God.

Acts 17:26

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

This reminds us that only the Bible shows us who is the only one who has the power to give life, so all men are God's creation and we should be grateful for His infinite Mercy.

In the study mentioned by Brother Eli Soriano about the "Evidence of design in the cosmos" by Dr. Hugh Ross, where the following is stated:

Evidence of design in the cosmos

1 Estimation of Dependency factors: 100,000,000,000 (One hundred thousand dollars).
2 Probability of occurrence of all 75 parameters: (Ten to ninety and ninth negative power)
3 maximum possible number of planets in the universe: (ten to twenty-second power)

Brother Soriano tells us that the possibility for there to be a Planet as Earth, is 1 in one hundred billion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion, with this documentation Brother Soriano concludes by saying: from the point of view scientist we could appreciate that it is impossible that there exists another planet like ours where life exists.

The same study by Dr. Hugh Ross, tells us the following:

1. Get the right molecules

For life to be possible, more than forty different elements must have the ability to join together to form molecules.

2. Get the right atoms

The molecules of life can not be built unless sufficient quantities of the essential elements for life are available. This means that atoms of different sizes must be able to form. For this to happen, there must be a delicate balance for each of the constants of physics that govern the strong and weak nuclear force, gravity, and also for the core energy states of the nucleus (quantum energy levels that are important for the formation of elements from protons and neutrons) for several key elements. information


With this, the brother explains that even if there is not scientifically possible life exists on other planets, only the sacred scriptures explain the Creation of our God.

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