Have Christians the Right to defend themself?


Questionas like this one were actially to all times.Some sermons to this theme to reveal the seriousness of the entrapment which harms Christianity a lot these times, because biblical categories are disordered through this.

CONCLUSION:Christianity today is mainly washy and through a misinterpration of God's love with the result some believers stands for a radical and unbiblical pacifism.

These falsifications about the biblical understanding from love and the effeminacy which is one of the typical results of these heresies opened any and all doors, because lawlessness, sin and violence in this world is covered under the pretext of a wrong version of love.


Disciples like Pete had their sword on their journey with him, so they were no radical pacifists, although some dreamer told these and ignored these biblical facts.The parable of the good Samaritan showed us there were a lot of reavers in Israel these times and when they tried to raided humans, people had to be able to defend themself.

Pete accompanied Jesus three years and there was no time when Jesus said:"Pete, you have to ditch your sword!", instead Pete carried his sword anytime to defend Jesus and himself of course, although he would to ditch it directly, when Jesus would to call on Pete to do this, what never happened.

After Pete severed the ear of the roman soldier Jesus said he has "to cut back his sowrd to its place".When disciples have served our all Lord and savior Jesus Christ they wanted to share the message of kingdom of God.Here the sword is misguided, because the distribution of Gods kingdom requires an attitude of peace and of course their weapon is a spiritual one - the word of God.

Last but not least I'm sure most people think to the second part of Matthew 26:52 "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."Well, here's important to mention the wrong translation of the hebrew verb in the sixth commandemnt "thou shalt not kill", because the right translation of this hebrew verb is "murder", not kill, what's a big different.This commandment meants treachery, you don't have to kill a person deceitful, but it's no prohibition to defend yourself or your family and to do what's neccessary for that in extreme situation, what explains why it was no problem for Jesus when disciples like Pete had their sword during they accompanied him.

God knows our heart and of course he kniws we're not all experts in hebraic, but it's critical to see theologians and preachers in national churches who studied this and to conceal this mistranslation conscious (because these persons some believers don't defend themself without to know they've the permission for self-defence), so it's our mission to enlighten things like this one, because the holy scripture says clearly it's one of our missions to do this (Ephesians 5:11).


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