We Can not Give in to Sin!

We must have the rage of sin, because the sin that brought us out of the original condition of worship took us out of God and caused all that confusion.

One day I heard a friend say: "If the man had not fallen and even if there was a Bible she would have Genesis 1 and 2 and Revelation 21, 22. Because what was in that interval was for sin to have entered the world".

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Yes, we should have the rage of sin and not be falling in love with it. Being in doubt is done or not!

Usually when the temptation comes and we remain in doubt if we do that activity, our questions usually revolve around what people find, and around what that sin would hurt us if someone knew.

We throw to God of the play! We throw God out of history! As if we could choose what is the moment in which God may or may not be in his life. In the event that someone is in the room with his TV connected and he is going to spend a movie with the age group of 18 and he decides to see "just to see some things, to relax, to warm the relationship" the Holy Spirit I was going out to get a juice while the movie goes by.

Unfortunately when we are suffering from sin and we question whether we practice that or not, we always think about our earthly reputation and forget our heavenly reputation.

We do not usually think: "Gee, if I do that God is going to be 'devastated' with me, God has accompanied me every day in my challenges, has helped me so much and now I'm going to fail with him for a few minutes of pleasure that only goes to delay my life. "

If we were angry at sin and the devil for Him, we would have been angry at our original condition, if we did not forget that, although we sin and ask for forgiveness, it remains in our memory, in our history, in our "mural of errors committed throughout the life "life" and when we remember it wraps our stomachs and makes us ask: "why did I do it?", we were never going to offer our body as an instrument of sin, but we wanted to do only what praises God.

We need to have more certainty of God's presence in our life. There is a manifest presence, but there is a inhabiting presence that inhabits us 24 hours. We need to believe more in the truths that we form. Life with God is not a novel, it is not romance, it is not "doing an account", it is something real.


"Now, if we already die with Christ, we believe that we also live with him, 9 - Knowing that, having been risen from the dead, he no longer dies, death no longer has dominion over him. to have died, he died once for sin, but, as far as living, he lives for God 11 - So also consider yourselves as dead for sin, but alive for God in Christ Jesus our Lord 12 - Do not reign, then, sin in your mortal body, to obey Him in His lusts; 13 - Nor do you present your members to sin as instruments of iniquity, but present to God, as alive from the dead, and your members to God, as instruments of righteousness 14 - Because sin will not have dominion over you, because you are no longer under the law but under grace. " Romans 6: 8-14

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