Grace and Peace to all the brothers of the SteemChurch!

The Bible says three times in the book of Hebrews, "When the voice of the Lord, your God, is heard, do not harden the heart," so the word shows us that we can quench the Holy Spirit by hardening our hearts.

The word tells us that "if you are willing and listen, you will eat the best of this land." This is linked to obeying the will of God. If you do not learn to make the Word of God come true for you, the Kairos (God's time) will not manifest in your life.


When you are with the heart aligned, walking in the Spirit, making the Word be fulfilled in your respect, even if it is not even as you want, God rejoices with your obedience.

The exhaustion of obedience will make you be blessed, even if you still have corrections because of some mistakes. However, it is necessary to examine and have a heart ready to change. God does not relate to whoever is rebellious, do not delay the blessing. He regrets!

We need to make the separation of the things we are hearing in the spirit and receiving in the soul. From time to time, we are faced with some problems, sins, circumstances and pressures. But at that moment we need to know how to manage those situations within us. We have to lead things by the Spirit and know exactly what God wants to deal with us.

Christ conquered for us a freedom, but careful not to use that freedom to become a prisoner of things, a slave. Because the fact of having conquered that right does not prevent us from analyzing and evaluating our life all the time.

We are in a corrupted world, every time you invade the field of the spirit, hell rises together. If you do not understand how the meat goes, it is likely that your spirit is not in full. It is probable that you are mixing the soul and the spirit, and you will not know how to make the separation of the two.

"For the word of God is living and efficacious, sharper than the sword of any two - phyla, and penetrates even to split the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart". (Hebrew 4:12)

We see that faith operates through love. You do not need to like, but you are going to have to love.

Many believe and others do not. You will have affinities with some people and with others not. However, the Word of God says that we must have peace with everyone. Then, accept the word with meekness and accept the "grafts" that she brings and you will be like a tree that bears fruits in time and out of time. The Kairos of God wants to align with his chromos.

"Do not love the world or the things in the world If someone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him Because everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the arrogance of life, it is not of the Father, but of the world. (1 John 2: 15,16)

He who has Christ as his teacher, hears, obeys and does not love the things of the world, will get results, because it works when we practice.


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