Steemchurch :Life's Dilemma - Is there a solution?

Hello steemians, it's such an amazing day that the Creater of the universe has made, would like to share a word of God with you.....

Quotation (Luke 5:4-6)

When Jesus had finished teaching, He said to Simon, 'Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch'. But Simon answered and said to Him, 'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing', nevertheless at your word, I will let down the net'. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking



'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing! Simon Peter's statement of frustration with work and may be with his life seems to be the story of most people today. They have toiled, they have laboured and they have worked hard all their life, since they came out of school, since they married, since they traveled, since they started that business but have caught nothing and got nothing. They have toiled in vain, laboured for nothing, and worked to no avail. The irony is that they see their mates, colleagues, friends, siblings and other people forging ahead, chopping successes, climbing higher and higher in life. That compounds their frustration, envy and jealousy. It's like pepper to the eyes. And it doesn't get better if those people used illegal, illegitimate and ungodly means to get that far and to reach that height just because they have what our Nigerian people would say 'long leg'. That makes life on earth very unfair and unacceptable.


I have also seen people who have reached the top, attained to the peak and gained the pinnacle of success, riches and fame of life by toiling all their life, labouring so hard and working diligently only to see every thing falling apart, losing it all, crumbling to pieces. Their wealths, acquisitions, marriage, homes, properties, position, respect, social status, health and the like are all gone with the wind. The flames of life have reduced them into ashes and smoke. These end up mad, sick, pauper, drunkards, and even killed themselves. They have toiled all night and yet caught nothing. Peter and his colleagues were not alone in this vain labor of life.

Here are answers


But there was an answer and a solution to Peter's dilemma. He is Master Jesus. He came to the seaside, saw that useless, barren boat and the fishermen and took control of the situation by connecting them to the kingdom of God. Then came the destiny changing word, life transforming command from the Master. And Peter, despite his frustration, and tiredness, obeyed Him. He did His bidding in obedience of faith, despite the contrary circumstance. And that obedient faith to the Master's command turned the whole night vain labor into a life time results of fruitfulness.


If the Master did that for Peter, will He not do the same for you and I?

Master of our lives


Dear friend, God will make a way, in that dilemma of yours. As Peter permitted Him, we just have to allow Him to be the Master of our life's dilemmas and submit in obedience of faith to His biddings as Peter did. And only Heaven, and time can tell what the turn around would be. Remember, Peter didn't catch that abundance because he changed the boat, or washed the net or waited for day break.

So as you go through the day and live life, let Him be the Master, let Him take control and you submit in faith and obedience to His bidding.
May the Lord Jesus who spoke into Peter's dilemma, speak into your life's dilemma today and cause you to catch something today.

May He bring a turn around and abundance to your life and labor in Jesus name. Amen

Thanks for reading,
@johnsonkoranteng #teamghana @sirknight



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