Do you not know that in a race all the runners run their very best to win, but only one receives he prize? Therefore run the Christian race in such a way that you may receive the prize. Now every athlete who competes in the games is disciplined and exercises self control in all things. They do it to win a crown that perishes but we do it to receive an imperishable crown. (1 Corinthians 9: 24 - 25)


I once met a man as I went for evangelism. We had a good time talking together when I got to know that he is a Christian. But I had some fears and thoughts as I left him, just like Paul meeting some men in Ephesus who said they were believers. He is a Christian, but once a while he visits church. As for reading the Bible, meditating on it and living by its truths, faith and power or seeking God's face in prayer for His will and purposes and staying in fellowship with the brethren is another thing for him. Even bringing the Gospel of God's grace and redemption to others is a no go zone for him. For him he has been baptised and has done confirmation and every month his church takes church tax from his pay as it is mostly done here and when the church is doing some things that are important, they write to him as part of their members.
I must admit it is not in my power to comment on that, but as a believer committed with the Gospel of God's redemption, I believe such a concept and philosophy of Christian life do not measure up to God's expectations and will for us as Christians and fall short of discipleship in Christ.
Apostle Paul exhorted Christians in Corinth about what is required of them as they live the Christian faith. And he illustrated it with the Olympic games in his days.


And the favourite game was the100m or whatever meters race. Using that familiar race, he points us to issues we may not consider as important. Such as discipline, self control, exercise, zeal or passion, determination, goal, and obeying the rules. These are all necessary for winning the crown or medal as we called it today. And Paul applied these to the Christian race also. That it behoves us to make these priorities in our life if we hope to finish well and to receive some medals from the Lord.
He let us understand that, they are his priorities too, because as a boxer, he is not just beating the air and throwing his punches anyhow, but he is doing so with a definite goal and discipline so that after he has preached to others to save them he himself would not be disqualified for the prize, just as after Moses had delivered Israel from Egypt he was disqualified from entering the Promised land.
And I want to add to it, it is not just the medals and crowns we are so much interested in as Christians, but the affirmation and attestations of our Lord and God that we seek after the most. His approval, that we have been good and faithful Christians to Him. Moreover, Paul affirms that while these athletes receive perishable medals, our medals and crowns are imperishable, they are eternal and symbolise our authority and standing or ranking in the coming millennial kingdom of our God where we shall rule with Him on His glorious, majestic and holy throne.
Is this not good enough a motivation to help us give thought to how we are running our Christian life and faith now?
May you from today begin to understand that running the Christian race is not according to your own rules or church rules, but that of God's rules and requirements. So get your acts together and be straighten up and run with definite goals in mind. That you may not just win crowns but His approval one day.
May our Lord help you so that you don't disqualify yourself and may you win His affirmation and many crowns in your Christian race in Jesus's name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes

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